The bird brought the star back to earth

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Starfires POV

me and the joker broke into titans tower we slowly walked threw to the OPS when the titans saw me they all gasped like I had been dead for a year.

Starfire honey you take bird brains I will take the rest he said to me and I flew at robin but he kept dodging my attacks.

Starfire please it's me he yelled

How could you toy with me I yelled back still trying to fight

What do you mean he yelled as I fell into his arms him holding me up I begun to cry

The joker said that if I didn't look human you would throw me in a place called arkham and if you saw the ugly side of me you would hate me I cried

Star I don't love you for how you look sure I think your beautiful but I fell in love with everything about you your smile your laughter your happy personality I love you for who you are he said sweetly and I begun to cry we turned around and saw that raven had the joker wrapped up in her magic

Robin I love you I said while kissing him gently on the lips.

~the end

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