Learning english

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Starfires POV

I had just awoken to a bright light I sat up and looked around I saw the boy that I had tried to fight with but somehow I felt as if I couldn't hurt him. I was on a white bed and he was on a chair next to the bad he was sleeping. I got off of the bed a kneeled down in front of the chair I gently lifted my right and and softly stroked his left cheek. I still think he looked the cute though but I was trying to kill him why did he help me if he had left me out their in the cold I would be dead by now but he helped me I stood up and started to walk around trying to find some clew as too where I was. I had turned around and felt a sharp pain in my side I looked down at my waste and I saw that my uniform was ripped around my waste and I had a bandage around my waste on the left side of the bandage was a large blood stain. The boy started to wake up.

Oh your awake he said I couldn't understand what he was saying but he said it sweetly

Gorbarg sturmpl xazerden isdarkmandarb lokingfarmance dasxwak (where am I who are you where is galafore what is this on my waste) I said

You don't speak English do you he said I could kind of make out what he was saying but not by a long mile but then an idea popped into my head I walked up to him and put my hands on his cheeks and pulled him forward until my lips met his when I pulled away his face was in shock.

Uuhhhhh I don't know wether to thank you, kiss you or ask why you did that so I will do all of them so why did you kiss me he said

On my planet the lip contact means the transfer of knowledge so I can speak English now I told him

Oh by the way thanks he said I was about to reply when he pressed his lips agents mine and when I kissed him back I could feel him smirk against my lips we pulled away.

What is this on my waste I asked pointing to my hip

Oh when you shot that green thing into the wall it exploded and some of the bricks hit you knocked you out cold so anyway you should get some rest I will see you tomorrow he said as he left and I laid on the bed and drifted off to sleep.


Hey hope y'all liked it PLZ leave comments I don't own teen titans bye LUV y'all xx

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