-Be There For You-

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I was sitting with my older brother Cedric and his friends while we waited for the champions to be announced. I noticed the Weasley twins looked quite disappointed they weren't able to put their names in, even with an aging potion. I payed attention to one twin in particular, Fred.

"Are you excited?" asked a girl from my year as she twirled her hair.

As expected, she was ignored. I let out a small laugh and she glared at me nastily.

"Settle down please." spoke Dumbledore. "And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champions selection!"

The great hall quieted down except for the sound of a few scattered applause. Everyone eyed the goblet carefully and then the first piece of paper flew.

"The Durmstrang champion is....Viktor Krum!"

The Durmstrang boys burst into cheers and claps while the rest of the hall just clapped. Krum stood and walked over to Dumbledore. After that, the goblet let out another paper.

"The Beauxbatons champion is...Fleur Delacour!"

The Beauxbatons girls clapped gracefully, some cried because they didn't get chosen. Some boys from our school clapped and cheered for her. For some unknown reason, I found myself looking over at Fred, in hopes that he wasn't fawning over Fleur like the others. What I saw wasn't what I was expecting. He was already looking over at me. We made eye contact but we both quickly looked away from each other awkwardly.

"The Hogwarts champion is...Cedric Diggory!"

Just like the rest of the Hufflepuffs in the table and some of the other Hogwarts students, I stood up from my seat and clapped for my brother. We hugged and then he walked over to Dumbledore. Everyone settled down and chatted. Suddenly everyone's attention was back on Dumbledore when a fourth piece of paper flew from the goblet.

"Is that supposed to happen?" asked Cedric's friend.

"No, it's not." I said to him.

"Harry Potter..." said Dumbledore. I looked over at Harry and saw him trying to sink into his seat. "Harry Potter. Harry Potter!"

Hermione ushered him out of his seat and he began to walk towards Dumbledore. The hall wasn't full of cheering or clapping, it was silent.

"He's a cheat!" yelled Justin Finch-Fletchley.

"Shut it." I told him.

"He's not even seventeen yet!" yelled someone from across the hall.

All the teachers went off somewhere and they sent us off. I was walking with my two friends Max and Ben to our common room when I heard someone call my name from behind us.

"Oí Diggory."

I turned around and saw Fred smiling. I looked over at Max and Ben and saw them biting back smiles. They had always said to me that they thought Fred and I would look good together. I always said it was rubbish. Max winked at me discreetly and then him and Ben walked off, leaving Fred and I.

"Hello, Weasley." I said. "What'd you call me for?"

"Well I- uh- hi."

"Hi..." I said as I furrowed my brows in confusion but smiled a bit. "Is that all?"

"Guess so." he chuckled. "I'll see you around, Diggory."

"Sure you will." I smirked.

I turned around and made my way to the Hufflepuff common room.

- - - - -

"You look like you've just seen a ghost." I said to Cedric when he came back from talking to Harry. "What'd he tell you?"

Fred Weasley One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now