chapter 8

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"let's go" Ava shouted eating popcorn..
Wait when did she get popcorn the fuck.

Everyone just stared.

"I'll be the first to say that Thomas is hot hot hot" Ava said.

"Ok I got a question. Why is he acting like a leader we all know that's newt now" Gally asked.

Ava just smirked and said.
"Newt may be second in command and Minho might of meant to be the real leader but Thomas will always be the TRUE leader"

Thomas looked shocked at this.

"HOLY SHIT!" newt shouted.

"There's more also you don't die none of you do WICKED A.K.A me saved them all so ye next one. Oh some of these are from before the maze"

"Btw you were possessed"

They all just looked at the screen in shock.

"I'm allowed to say this seen as he's technically my husband but your hot" Minho states a fact.

"No wonder you managed to punch me that hard" galley said still in a state of shock.

"Yeah forgot to mention he was the boy who ran with wolves and a CIA assassin anyways next!"

"Uh Thomas don't take this wrong what but uh glad your my husband" Minho said as they both laughed.

"Damn! Teach me your ways Thomas" frypan said.

"Next are a shit load of thominho edits" she smiled

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