chapter 2

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They all took a seat on the sofas just as the first video payed.

So there are no videos for this so I'm making them up oh and the videos will be in bold.

The first video started with Minho looking straight at the camera.
"So because Thomas found it oh so hilarious to tease me yesterday I decided to get my revenge. Only problem is I have no fucking clue what to do" Minho laughed.

"So before the maze we actually swore?" Frypan asked.

"I dunno. But are we all gonna ignore that he said Thomas teased him? What's that mean?" Gally said looking directly at Thomas looking for something else to blame him for.

"Right now tommo is asleep in our room-"

"Whoa! OUR room!?" Minho shouted.

Ava nodded. " If I remember correctly you both actually demanded you shared a room"

"And I think I've come up with an idea. It's not the best but it will do. So I'm gonna do the classic shaving cream prank, where you squirt shaving cream in the victims hand and tickle their face so when they go to scratch they get shaving cream everywhere............. I am sooooo sleeping on the sofa for this one" Minho said regretfully.

"Why would Minho sleep on the sofa why not his bed?" Thomas asked while Minho nodded in agreement.

Newt looked at the two stupid shanks who are sadly his friends. 'they really are idiots if they can't figure taht out' he thought.

Minho turned the camera around and started walking down a long white hall until they reached a room with a sign saying thominho he slowly opened the door careful not to make any noise.
He made his way over to the king size bed and pulled out the shaving cream. He then proceeded to fill Thomas hand with cream till it nearly toppled over. Minho grabbed a feather from the bedside draw and gently ran it over Thomas face. Thomas brought up a hand to scratch his face and accidentally smothered it all over his face. Minho was shocked to see he wasn't bothered.
"How did he? Well that back fired. Hey Thomas you twat. Thomaaaas tommo tomboy Tommy Tom Tom tomathy?" Minho laughed.

"What's with all the names Minho?" Teresa laughed

Thomas stirred awake.
"Min min?" He asked his eyes glassy and dazed.
"Ye sorry bout that Tom I tried to get revenge but it failed so I'll wipe it off now" Minho said grabbing tissue and wipping it off.

" So whipped" frypan snorted.

"Revenge for what?" Thomas asked.
"For teasing me all day yesterday" Minho replied shortly. A look of realization dawned on Thomas face. "Ohhh that. Ha ye I know that was fun. Not my fault you're easy to tease" thomas replied jokingly. "Not my fault your fucking gorgeous" Minho snapped back.

"I'm starting to get the idea we aren't friends here" Minho said.

Thomas blushed but leant up to kiss Minho. "Love you min min" Thomas replied sleepily. "Love you too tommo" Minho said fondly.

End of video.

The two boys sat there with a look of shock on their faces.

"What.the.fuck" Thomas managed to get out.

"I.dont.fucking.know" Minho said back.

thominhoOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora