#8 {Mama spider, Irondad, IronWidow}

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Peter's pov;

When I woke up I wasn't feeling well. My head hurted and I was feeling dizzy. I had to go to school so I stand up and preapered myself. When I went to the kitchen I saw dad and мама паук.

"Are you ok, младенец паук? You are pale" My mom said.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I mumbled. Then Tony walked up to me and put his palm on my forehead.

"Kid, you are burning up. Go back to bed, you are not going to schoo today" he said. I groaned, but listened to him. I went to my room and changed into the tracksuits and a sweatshirt. I lay down on the bed and tried to sleep. After a few minutes dad entered with a cup of tea and mom with a soup.

"Hey младенец паук. How are you feeling?" Natasha asked.

"My head hurts, but I'm fine" I said. My dad put the cup and my mom put the soup on the cupboard next to my bed.

"I'm going to get some painkillers from Bruce" Tony said. When he left Natasha sat in the corner of my bed and took a bowl of soup.

"Open your mouth" She said with a smirk. I laughed weakly and did as she told me to. She fed me, put down the bowl and headed towards the doors.

"мама паук, can you stay with me?" I asked.

"Ofcourse младенец паук" she said with a smile. She sat next to me and hugged. Then I became tired and she sang me a song, quietly.

"There once was a ship that put to sea
And the name of that ship was the Billy o' Tea
The winds blew hard, her bow dipped down
Blow, me bully boys, blow

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go

She had not been two weeks from shore
When down on her a right whale bore
The captain called all hands and swore
He'd take that whale in tow

Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go"

When she finished I was asleep. I really liked when she was singing.

Tony's pov;

I went to get a painkillers from Bruce.

"Hey Bruce, Do you have something for headaches? The Kid is sick" I said.

"Yea, there should be some in the cupboard" When I found the pills I headed back towards Peter's room. When I was in fornt of the door, I heard Nat singing a song. She had beautiful voice. I smiled and waited till she ended singing, then I entered the room. Peter was sleeping peacefully in Natasha's arms, as she was brushing his hair with her hand. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I must admit that I had a crush on her. When I wanted to leave Peter said something.

"Can you stay, dad?"

"Ofcourse" I said sat next to Peter on the other side of bed and hugged him. We turned on a movie and relax. After two hours I turn to Pete and Nat and they were asleep. They looked so cute. I kissed their foreheads and also fell asleep.

On the next day, Peter still was sick. Me and Nat get some pizza and starbucks. I played some video games with Peter and Nat let him do her make-up. It was really funny.

"He killed me" Peter said.

"WHO DARES TO KILL ME SON?!" I yelled, what made Pete laugh.

While Peter was doing Natasha's make-up he was heep asking questions about make-up.

"What's this" Peter asked pointing at some eyebrows thing. Natasha laughed and told him, what is it. Peter did her pink eyelids and lips. I must admit that he did a nice make-up as for the first time. Then Peter get fever again and we put him into bed. We watched some movies and I played something on the guitar and he fell asleep. Me and Nat slowly walked out of the room. I decided to show her how I feel so when we exited I kissed her and she kissed me back. I put my hands on her waist and she put hers on my neck. When we broke apart we smirked and giggled.

"So are we like a 'thing'?" I asked with a warm smile.

"I guess" she anwsered with a smirk. We kissed again, but this time more passionately...

//Next one will be in one week!! Btw Thank you for 1k views!!! Love you guys!!!/

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