Huh? Sasuke in my room?!

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As I was sleeping something touched my pink bows then me. I tried to shove what ever was doing it but then next time something touched me it was a poke.

"Huh?" I said not opening my eyes. "Miku?" A voice said and immediately recognized the voice.
"Sasuke what are you doing here?!" I said opening my eyes to find his serious face.

"Making sure you are okay." He said and he put his hand on my face. I flinched away and he looked shocked. He looked at his fingers and saw my cover up make up.

He got closer and I backed away. He tried coming so close I was against the wall. He touched my cover up and wiped it and his eyes widened a little.

"Who did this?" He asked clenching his fist.
"I Huh fell." I managed to lie.
"Sure You did. Who did this?" He repeated more angrily.
". . . "

"Answer ME!" He almost shouted but I put my hand over his mouth. I listened very carefully and heard no noise. I took my hand off his mouth and he shot a glare at me.

"Fine I'll just leave." Sasuke said starting to walk towards the window he came through.
"Sasuke! Stop." I said and grabbed his wrists. He turned towards me and he said, "Who did it?"

"My supervisor." I whispered and he got very angry. I could tell by his facially expressions. He calmed down and we both sat on the bed and I finally worked up the courage to ask, "Why do you care?"

He stopped moving for a second and looked at me and sighed. He looked as if he wanted to say something. But he said nothing. He got up and started heading towards the window.

I ran up and said, "You are not going to tell anyone are you?" He looked at me and said, "My dad is a lawyer. He can help you."

"I don't need help. Just promise me you won't tell anyone." I pleaded.
"Fine. But if it happens again... I'm telling."

I didn't want to fight with him so I let him go. He jumped outside of the window. I watched him leave and when he didn't I fell back in my bed.

I thought about Sasuke's offer. But I'm scared. I don't know what to do. What if people look down on me. Why would they though. It's my supervisor not me.

"Ugh." I buried my head into my pillow and stayed like that until morning still awake.

My stomach growled deeply. "Umm." I thought about going downstairs for food. But that idea scared me. I just sat on my bed thinking of food.

Everyone is going to be wondering where I am. I sighed and lay on my bed for a good two hours until I got very very very bored.

I got back up and started to pace around in my room. My stomach growled again and I remembered I hid a candy bar. I ran to my dresser and opened up my junk box and found a nasty smashed chocolate bar. I sighed and chucked it out the window.

I looked at where it landed and saw strawberries in the neighbors yard. My mouth watered and I jumped out the window.

"OW!" I shouted But covered my mouth. I got up and ran over to the fence and tried to jump the small fence but tripped but I got up and picked all of the strawberries. It took forever to climb back into my room but with the help of the plastic chair I climbed up and into my room.

I ate all of them very quickly and noticed an hour later it was 5 o clock. I waited 2 hours and what I was hoping for happened.

Sasuke came.

"Sasuke!" I ran over to him and hugged him.
"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed.
"Can I ask you a favor?" I said cheerfully.
"I'll assume that's a yes. Can you go get me food. I'm starving." I said while rubbing my tummy.

"Sure." He left and 30 mins later he was back with a bento. I ate all of and gave him a hug.

"Thank you. I owe you." He didn't say anything and I sat on he bed and he sat in a chair. It was a nice silence and sooner or later o fell asleep and I assumed he left because the next day when I woke up he was gone.

Author Note:
Sorry about the boring chapter the next ones will be better so sit tight.

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