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My eyes slowly opened and I felt something warm on the side of my face and I looked over to see the face of sleeping Sasuke and I was sleeping on his shoulder. I looked around and there was light streaming in from the window.

I got worried and looked for a clock without moving Sasuke and once I found one it read, "8:13"

"Crap!" I said and got up to clean Naruto's house. That woke up Naruto and Sasuke and Naruto said, "What happened? I feel weird." Then it hit me. "Someone but alcohol in our drink!" I shouted.

"Crap!" Naruto shouted and he started to clean even faster. I opened my phone to find a billion texts from, Len, Rin and Luka asking were I was and telling me the supervisor is pissed.

I sat down and texted Len, "Len! Help! I'm scared. I was at a party and I was going to go home but I fell asleep. Plz come get me."
Quickly my phone went off and Len said, "I'm in my car, where are you?" I texted my address and sat down on the couch.

Sasuke came and sat down next me. It was a comfortable silence while Naruto was raving about there being alcohol in our punch. At least we know it wasn't him. "Hey, where do you live?" Sasuke asked me. I told him and asked why and he said in case something bad ever happens he wants to be able to drive me home.

Before I knew it, Len was here and I said goodbye to Sasuke and Naruto. I hugged them both and as soon I opened the door Len hugged me tightly. "I was so worried..." Len said and he grabbed my hand and lead me to his car.

Once in the car he started to lecture me. "MIKU! I told you those kids were no good. Looked what happened. Now your going to be gutted alive by the supervisor and never see the light of day again."

I shifted my feet uncomfortably and said with tears falling off my checks, "Sorry."

Len slowed down the car and pulled over and sighed, "I'm sorry too." He pulled down his sun visor and took a picture out of it and held it in his hands.

It was the first picture, Rin and I ever took for a magazine. It was right after we got adopted apparently but I don't remember anything about an orphanage in my life.

"You still have that?" I asked because I lost it.
"Yeah, cause I care about it. I care about you." Len trailed off and looked at me then suddenly he kissed me.

My eyes widened as he kissed me and he broke the kiss. He muttered sorry and started to drive again and he was at my house. He pulled up and we got out of the at and before opening the door Len said, "What ever happens in there, know I will always be here." I nodded and Len left.

I opened the door to find a glass bottle throw at me. "What the fuck happened to you!" My supervisor yelled at me.
". . ." I knew I couldn't tell because my supervisor wouldn't totally try to sue Naruto's family. "Where is your phone?" He asked. And I handed him my phone which he throw on he ground.

"Get the fuck in you room and don't come out. You are not going to school for e days and your grounded for an extra month. "My supervisor yelled. He smelled of alcohol again so I started towards my room but I got smacked in the face and I fell.

"I didn't say take you sweet as time. Get the fuck to your room!" He yelled and I ran up to my room. I slammed the door shut. "Slam the door and I'll beat the shit out of you!" My supervisor yelled at me from down stairs.

I cried and cried and cried into my pillow. It was some time before I got ready for bed. I changed into some pink shirt with a cute pink shorts that had darker pink poka- dots on them. I looked into the mirror and saw a bruise were my supervisor hurt me.

I grabbed my make up box and but some cover up on it. I sat on my bed and I looked out my open window it was 2:00 Pm if my clock was right.

All I did until 9:00 was read, draw and sing quietly. It was very boring and a few times my stomach growled. Geez I didn't realize I was that hungry. I want food but I was too scared to go down stairs. So I stayed up stairs.

It was 8:59 and I plopped in my bed and snuggled up next to Rilakkuma. It was warm in my bed and my canopy swayed from the wind coming from the open window. It was easy to fall asleep.

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