Louder Than Bombs

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Title: Louder Than Bombs
Author: athenelar
Status: Ongoing, on-hold
Smut: Unsure

Cairo Mato Elroid. Devastatingly heartwarming. His leg is an everyday reminder of what he did, a source of his endless torment.
Jeon Jaemoon. Owns the biggest of hearts. Experiences a vicious cycle of guilt and suffering, with no breaks in sight

But if all changes when these two broken souls meet at the North Border.

"I'm Cairo Elroid, Station Aid Medic and I like skittles," Cairo karate chopped, scissor sweep-ed and front kicked himself in the head.

Jaemoon raised a brow in amusement, his black locks dipping into his dark eyes, a grin threatening to break out.

"Well, I like Gummy Bears," he winking at Cairo, the medic on the verge of passing out from all the blushing.

Maybe it really was a fairy-tale, a story about two young men finding each other, falling in love in a place of lavish beauty and probable bloodshed.

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