All the Pretty Girls

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Title: All the Pretty Girls
Author: juniperis
Status: Ongoing
Smut: Unsure

Dawson is- most people who don't know him would say- as straight as they come. And senior year away from home promises to be a big year for him; no parents in sight, a whole new set of friends, he just seems to have it all. Not to mention that all the pretty girls of the private Wharton High are dying to get a taste of the new talk of the school.

If only he could get Adam Hamilton's eyes out of his head.


"He dislikes him so much he is annoyed by the mere sound of his breathing. He dislikes him that he can't bring himself to ignore him; that even the way his stupid glasses perfectly fit on his symmetrical nose exasperates him; and his ridiculously blue eyes that take different shades of blue based on his mood and now Dawson know that apathy is the ocean whereas rage is a starless night sky. And his jawline looks like it was sculpted by the hands of Michelangelo, but he dislikes him so much he can't look at his face without feeling his cheeks flush in anger.

Truth is, Dawson dislikes him because Hamilton did something no other person- despite their best efforts- ever managed to do.

He made him feel weak."

This book has not been updated for a few months. I am not sure if the author is still going to be updating or not but the chapters that are out are worth the read.

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