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avina's pov

"i don't know really. my parents aren't super strict with me. they let me do many things, not all, but many. they let me enjoy my teenage years as they like to say it"

he tells me as i move his wet hair off of his face. he was sitting on one of the steps inside the pool while i sat on his lap. we were having a conversation about how strict his parents are with him. the things they do and don't let him do. 

"how were your parents? i wanna know everything"

my breathing kind of stopped once he mentioned mine. i've never talked about my parents to anyone before. maybe it's time to tell him everything. yeah, he knows the basics but hasn't gotten to know them like that yk?

"well, what do you want to know about them?"

he rubbed his hand on my skin, calming me down, knowing this is a tough subject for me.

"everything. i wanna get to know them"

he gave me a reassuring smile and patiently waiting for me to begin.


i sighed and sat up a bit. i connected my hands with his and looked up at him as i started.

"my mom was absolutely beautiful. breathtaking really. she was the sweetest soul to ever exist. she was one of those types of people that anyone could get along with. she was the definition of perfect. just perfect.

i smiled at the memory of my mom. god, how i miss her.

"now i know where you get it from"

i blushed at his compliment and continued to speak.

"she was the happiest person ever. she was very positive. she always looked at the bright side of everything and everyone. even my dad."

my mood suddenly changed when i mentioned my dad and mattia noticed. he furrows his eyebrows and places a finger under my chin, lifting it up. my eyes meet his. but his showed confusion and concern. i sigh for like the tenth time and began to talk once again.

"my dad wasn't the most kind-hearted person let's just say that. he was a very bad person. he was cruel but never to alejandro and i. it was always my mom. he broke her. he did the most disgusting things to her. ale and i didn't notice until we were much older"

this conversation was getting a little hard for me and he noticed. he pulls me into a hug and lays his chin on my head. i immediately hug back, not wanting my tears to escape from my eyes. he rubs my back and tried to comfort me. im so grateful for him.

"you don't have to continue"

"no, i want to"

he gave me a nod and waited for me to continue.

"he abused her in so many fucked up ways but was the kindest soul to ale and i. i never understood why and didn't want to get involved in their problems. i was way too scared so i told no one. a daughter should never be scared of her own father. it's just not right at all"

he caressed the back of my hand making me feel at ease. an effect his touch always had on me.

"ale and i were at home with my aunt on the night of the accident. we were playing in the living room when we heard my aunt get a call in the kitchen. of course ale and i being the nosy bitches we are, we stopped for a moment and tried to listen to the conversation she was having. we then hear a very loud, painful scream. we immediately drop the everything and ran for the kitchen. we found my aunt on the floor sobbing. as soon as i saw her, i knew what happened"

he listened carefully as i told the story.

"hours before they left, they had the worst argument ever. he threatened to leave her but since she apparently loved him so much, she chased after him. they both got in my dad's car and drove off. the argument didn't get any better. it got worse actually. it got so bad, that they started getting physical. my dad lost control over the wheel and then that's when the crash occurred"

i didn't let one tear out. first time i've ever told someone the story in full detail and i didn't cry. is that a bad thing? hopefully not.

mattia didn't know what to say and i don't blame him. it's not every day you get a depressing story thrown at you. he opened his mouth to say something but i placed a finger over his lips causing him to stop.

"it's better not to say anything. im fine baby, i promise. it obviously still hurts but what can i do about it? nothing. better to just accept it and move on. they're gone. they're in a better place"

he gives me a faint smile and brings me into a hug. i lay in his arms and close my eyes. i felt so safe and protected in his arms. nothing else in this world will replace the feeling of his arms around my body.

"i love you"


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