Chapter 12

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The door slammed shut as Shanti and I passed through before it disappeared with a poof of smoke. It left us with no other choice but to move on forward. This land differed from where we had just come from, so I took a moment to scan the area. Instead of the luscious green, welcoming atmosphere of the clearing, it was bleak and grey, with a menacing tone that settled around them. It thickened the air, making it hard to breathe. My heart was heavy in my chest, and a sudden despair entered my body. I pushed the feeling to the back of my mind. It was like my limbs were wading through thick mud.  

Got to stay positive. I must focus on the words of Papa Legba.

I looked down to see Shanti smiling back up at me. I gave her hand a small squeeze; we continued on, but it was slow going, considering we didn't know where we were. Where could this Charon be? The surrounding trees were dead and brittle, the shadows casting an ominous tone. A river lay to the left, but even that was stagnant, its dull brown waters unmoving, still taunting us. It didn't flow like normal rivers, but a fog swirled around on top of the dull brown water. The whole place was sinful and evil. 

"Mr See-on, what are we going to do now?" Shanti said. 

I smiled at the mispronunciation of my name; it was cute. I had to stay alert. The Jeoseung Saja could be anywhere. They were the harbingers of death. A battle was going to be inevitable.

"Why don't you call me Tae?" I suggested, smiling. 

"Okay, Tae, I like it." she skipped along with me, but our steps were stilted and slow. We were too hyper focused listening for any little movement. The heaviness against my chest tightened.

How am I supposed to fight anybody when my body doesn't feel my own?

A snapping sound echoed through the woods. I stopped and pushed Shanti behind me before I drew my sword from its scabbard. I put my free hand on her shoulder in silent reassurance. She clutched the bottom of my shirt. She was about to speak, but stopped when we heard the snapping again. This time, however, it was closer. They let a screech out and it flew across the air. It was so loud Shanti put her hands over her ears, and I winced as my ears rang.

"What was that?" Shanti's voice had taken on a shrill tone.

I didn't answer. Instead, I listened, ready for the next moment. A shadow darted in front of us. We both took a terrified step back. A black claw shot out and caught Shanti's shoulder, leaving a deep gash in its wake. She screamed in response; I swung round to face the direction it came from. I slashed the sword in front of me; it was slow and clumsy, but it hit nothing. Shanti was crying behind me, clutching her shoulder. The claw flashed out again. She cried out in pain before losing her footing to collapse to the ground. It caught my shirt, leaving three marks in its wake.

The Jeoseung Saja, it had to be. Just great.

A figure materialised in front of us, but no features adorned its form. It was like black smoke. It stood there for a split second before it flew towards us. I slashed my sword again; it sang through the air, connecting with the Saja, instantly dissipating it. I dropped to the ground, my legs giving way, the small exertion taking a lot of energy out of me. The very air was sucking away our life-force.

I struggled to my feet, scooping Shanti in my arms, taking off as fast as my uncooperative legs would take me through the barren forest. As I broke the trees, a small cabin sitting next to a rickety jetty, and an old worn boat met me. I knew the Saja was still behind me, enjoying their hunt. I stumbled, crashing to the ground with Shanti; they were close, the black smoke was lapping at my feet. I pulled myself up, grunting as I lifted Shanti back into my arms. The Saja was closing in. I willed my legs to go faster. As I got closer to the fence, I noticed the orange bushes planted around the perimeter.

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