Ch.2 the (poem excerpt)

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Your feelings are fleeting

but you can take a moment

to get to know

that feeling a bit better.

So you can get to know

you even more

than you thought

you knew.

I need those lines as a reminder.

I need them

to alert me

when I start feeling

too lonely.

When I remember how you never chose me.

Me vs him was always him.

Pity vs Safety but pity always won

This toxic positivity....

This toxic acceptance...

These constant excuses...

Well excuse me but.....

It makes me....


hate everything

and everyone

all over again

You didn't choose me

even though I warmed your womb.

You didn't choose me

even though we've wiped each other's tears.

My love wasn't enough for you.

You wanted more no matter the cost.

Your happiness became my misery so I seek the company of my sister.

Because that synoptic relationship keeps breaking my heart...

I've got 20/20 vision.

But I guess she wants to leave me as well.

She's got wanderlust in her bones but fear replaced my calcium so I can't go with her...

She'll leave me too....

Or maybe

I'll leave her

before anyone else has the chance to

break my heart

all over again.

Feelings are fleeting but how stable are decisions?

Are they as fragile as the cherry blossoms she's chasing and my heart?

Or are they as secure as mother's decision to abandon her little mongrel, over and over again?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2021 ⏰

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