Ch. 1 After (the dialogue)

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"Our souls were meant to be one and to lose you means I lost half of myself"

"No, it means you never knew yourself"

"H-How could you say that? And without a moment of hesitation?"

"How could you allow yourself to allow in your own self pity? It's pathetic and it's disgusting."

"You can be so impolite".

"Why should I be polite? The world was never polite to either one of us!"

"What about me? What have I done? Why must I get punished?"

"You made me a deformity and protect you! You made me ostracized and...and... have to... coddle you all of the time"

"I'd help you more if you'd just let me! You never do. You tell me you'll handle it and then you get angry with me"

"Well...why won't you offer?"

"Why won't you ask? And I thought what other think didn't matter to you?"

"Well... it does now"

"But why did this...these feelings suddenly happen and why would you abandon me like the rest?"

Jacqueline's response to the question was a  condescending laughter, as she wiped a few loose tears from her face.

"And I thought she looked like a bitch before ", her sister Delores thought.

"We're sitting here talking to this fucking bot like it's going to make a difference. As soon as you wanted to discover our family and be normal you betrayed me! So, now I'm turning my back in everyone", Jacqueline said.

"That robot is our hired help so we can figure this out. And you agreed to come so I don't understand", Delores responded.

"And I suppose you never will. Technology advanced so we're not stuck together anymore. We can live as individuals like we should have been", she said as she got up and left the room.

She slowly closed the door as she heard her sister's wail.

This was their first goodbye apart and they had no idea when their first hello would be.

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