Chapter Twenty Two

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"Checking for exits, numbers of men, you've gotten good Skye," smirks Ward as he brings the two girls into the building, "how's your marksmanship?"
"I don't know, give me your sidearm we can find out," answers Skye coldly. Rose smirked at the younger girl's remarks, May had trained her well. Even Ward had to agree to that out loud.

"I've noticed, at SHIELD, they teach you to control emotions," says Rose as she enters the conversation, "At Hydra, they rip them from you in an effort to control everyone."
"I'm not Hydra, Legion," answers Ward, again putting a mocking emphasis on the name, "my orders were to collect only Raina, but here you two are. So why don't you stop fighting me and maybe you'll get some answers."

"A fight? Take these cuffs off and I'll put your ass in the ground before you can get a punch in, Wart," mocks Rose as she changes his name too. Skye smiles at the girl, before returning her face to a neutral expression.

"Plus, we've played this game of 'let's kidnap Skye' before, and it didn't end well for you," remarks Skye as the group stops in front of a door.

"That's not my concern," answers Ward, before undoing Skye's cuffs and unlocking the door to reveal an older man, grey peaking through his brown hair. Despite looking nothing like Skye, Rose could tell that this was Skye's father, based on the excitement and nervousness in his eyes alone.

Stay calm, starts Rose knowing people tend to jump when she enters their mind, they know where we are, so just play along for a little until they can come in as backup, okay?

Skye had almost jumped at the voice in her head, resorting to a quick widening of her eyes to contain her shock, but she gave a slight nod to Rose, understanding the plan.

"I'm sure you two have a lot of catching up to do, plus we have one more stop on this tour," says Ward as he roughly grabs Rose, closing the door on Skye and her father.

Ward and Rose wandered through the halls, almost with almost no end to their walk.

"Whitehall isn't down here, is he?" asked Rose, stopping where she stood.

"You are a clever one aren't you, Legion," mocks Ward.

"God, could you drop the stupid name," yells Rose, "I never wanted it, I didn't ask to be kidnapped during the War, you idiot."

"You're right," laughs Ward, his tone changing instantly to calm and collected, "But you have something, no someone, I want."

Rose looked at him in horror, "Bucky?"

Her voice was barely a whisper, but the upturn of Ward's lips into a wicked smile confirmed her suspicion.

Rose, he's going to kill Whitehall, says Skye, what do I do?

Nothing, I'm on it, answers Skye, spreading a wicked smile across her own face as she looks at Ward. He contorts in confusion, then worry as Rose's eyes blaze a bright blue.

"You're going to take these cuffs off, and then you're going to bring me to Whitehall, okay?" beckons Rose, "because that sounds like a really good idea, doesn't it?"
"Ward nods slowly, before coming over and unlocking the handcuffs, leading her up the stairs. A voice cuts through Rose's head, Bucky.

We found you guys, we'll be there soon, he calls out.

Good, I've got Whitehall, answers Rose, Buck, you may want to sit this one out. Ward's got it in his head he can bring Winter back.

I thought the chip counteracted the triggers, asked Bucky.

No clue, just be smart, responds Rose, worry clear even through the link.

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