Chapter Nineteen

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The trio out of time stayed in New York until the trial, working with Natasha, Tony, and Tony's legal team to work through the information that would be provided at the hearing. Feeling unsure about the outcome, the group made their way back to DC to speak on Capitol Hill.

The government had decided the best course of action was to not only question Bucky and Rose but Natasha and Steve as well, seeing as they also played large roles in the fall of SHIELD weeks prior.

"So how do you expect this country to maintain its national security now that the lot of you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus," questioned one of the generals in the center of the hearing committee.

"Hydra was selling you lies, not intelligence," counters Natasha, the only level-headed person in the group currently.

"Many of which you helped tell," adds the general, "especially regarding Rose Carter."

"Agents Carter and Romanoff, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel, given your pasts, that you two, as well as Mr. Barnes, belong in a penitentiary," says one of the officials to the side of the general. Natasha moves to respond, but Rose puts her hand out, letting her know she would speak.

"You're not going to put Mr. Barnes in a prison," Rose started, "You're not going to put any of us in a prison. You know why?"

"Do enlighten us."

"Because you need us. We may have destroyed your intelligence, but you now have the top three spies in the world at your disposal. Two of which have the capabilities to infiltrate and take down any remaining cells of the terrorists who tortured them. You won't lock up Mr. Barnes, specifically, because he is the longest living prisoner of war in this country, and should be allowed the same rights as the men and women who return home from serving their country," states Rose, standing to her feet, "You won't arrest me, because you need me to track down the property that Hydra stole from SHIELD over the years, and I'm the only one who can handle it. You won't arrest Natasha Romanoff, because she put her cover on the line for this country, time and time again, risking the life of herself and her remaining family to do so."

"You need us because, yes, the world is a vulnerable place," adds Natasha, "and yes we may have added to the process of making it that way. But we are the best ones qualified to defend it."
"So you want us to let you walk free?" questions the annoying politician, "You want us to let a former Russian spy, a golden boy from the forties, his enhanced sidekick, and a lethal assassin walk away from this with a slap on the wrist?"

"We won't be walking away," answers Steve, "we'll live that burden so others won't have to. But you will always know where to find us."

With that, the four stand up, exiting the courtroom before the hearing was technically completed. Before they fully walked away, Rose turned back to the microphone and added, "Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes is now under the protection of the Avengers, but more specifically, myself. He will be provided with the tools to work through the trauma that the Hydra organization forced him to complete against his will. Are there any objections?"

Rose's face was turned so that the cameras couldn't see her face, so no one could see the bright blue glow emitting from her eyes. The men on the committee absorbed her words, before mumbling their approvals. With a smirk, Rose walked out of the room, leaving the council confused as to what they agreed to. She rejoined the others outside, but quickly excused herself to her phone ringing, seeing Coulson's name flash across her screen.

"What can I do for you?" she asked, bypassing the formalities.

"Excellent speech in there," he complimented, "We need you and Barnes to come in. It's Hydra."

"You really want to march Barnes back into Hydra's arms?" Rose scoffed, "That sounds quite stupid, even for you."
"Well, we need all the help we can get, and you did just say you two were the most qualified," answered Coulson.

"Well, I guess I didn't realize I would be called for that so quickly," laughed Rose.

"Meet us in twenty, bring Barnes, we're going to need the both of you," said Coulson.

The line went dead before Rose could respond, so she turned back towards the group. The other three sent questioning looks to her, confused by the look on her face.

"Buck, we've been called in."
"By who?"

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