Chapter Ten

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Rose arrived back to her DC apartment a few days later, after promising Tony that she, Steve, and Natasha would return in a month for his New Year's Eve Party. After closing the door behind her, Rose slumped onto the couch, exhausted from the flying, meetings, and tests she had over the past week. She was also all but oblivious to her two friends eating dinner in the kitchen, who had stopped when she walked in and were now trying to contain their laughter at the tired girl.

"You okay in there?" called Natasha. This caused Rose to jump up in shock, before looking into the kitchen to see Steve and Natasha losing it.

"That was rude!" yelled Rose, before looking at the sight in front of her, "Wait, are you two... Are you two doing a dinner date?"

The laughter switched from the pair to Rose as she just about fell to the floor in laughter at how red they got.

"Nat, you match your hair!" Rose said in between laughs.

"No, Rosie, we aren't on a date," stammers Steve, his cheeks flaring up as well, "We're just eating dinner."

"Yeah, of course, whatever you say," mocks Rose, "So now that I'm awake, anyone want to get drinks?"

To save from further teasing, Natasha and Steve join Rose for drinks at the bar Sam told her about. The three walk in and Rose sees Sam and his friends gathered around a pool table, laughing and drinking their night away.
"Got room for a few more?" asks Rose from behind Sam. He turns, looks at the three, and smiles.

"Anything for my favorite super-soldier," laughs Sam, "Boys, meet my friends!"

The game stops, and the group introduces themselves, and everyone starts to mingle. Rose notices how Steve keeps looking over to Natasha, making sure she doesn't draw too much attention from all the other men around them. Rose can't help but laugh, the two have been into each other since the first time they met but refused to do anything about it.

"It only took you a month to accept my invitation," Sam says as he hands Rose another beer. She accepts it and laughs at his comment.

"I truly am sorry, I got tied up with work and just got back from New York a few hours ago," Rose muses, hoping Sam doesn't ask too much about her events.

"I'd ask, but I'm sure you can't tell me," he responds, laughing at her, "But I'm glad you could make it. And now I get why you haven't been out running a dent into the sidewalk."
"Don't worry, I'm bringing Steve tomorrow."

-New Year's Eve Party-

Rose, Steve, and Natasha arrive at the Avengers Tower to see the party in full swing. It took Rose about an hour to convince Natasha to leave her gun at home, letting her take her two favorite knives instead. Like most of the partygoers, Steve and Natasha were dressed in black, while Rose opted for a white dress because she could. Eyes were on the three as they walked in, seeing as most of the room knew who they were, Avengers. After getting drinks, the trio found themselves at a high-top table, standing around.

"I'm surprised you didn't invite Sam," teased Natasha as she stirred her drink, "Didn't want a New Year's kiss?"
"No, I'll leave the kissing for those who want relationships, or to admit their feelings," responded Rose, looking between her friends, "Besides, Sam is my running buddy, that's it."

And that was true, Nat liked to tease her friend about getting back into the field, but Rose didn't feel like it was right. Especially because she still felt like someone was breathing now her neck.

Soon enough, the guests gathered on the balconies of the tower, prepping to watch the ball drop. Rose watched as couples drew closer to each other as the numbers dwindled away, and eyed her friends. Steve and Natasha had been sharing looks all night, but it seemed that neither was ready to make that leap yet.

You know, if you keep chickening out like this Steven, the world's going to pass you by, thinks Rose to her friend. She laughed silently as she watched his eyes bug at her voice in his head.

How did you do that? Asked Steve back.

A new little trick I picked up a few months ago, I was just waiting for the right time to surprise you, Rose responded, But I'm serious, she won't wait around forever Steven

I know, but what about Peggy?

We both know she would want you to be happy, you deserve nothing less than that, answers Rose truthfully.

I know, I'm not sure I'm fully ready yet, he answers back, looking down at Natasha who was distracted by the fireworks Tony had going off around the building.

Well, she deserves to know that too.

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