- chapter 8 -

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As I felt us getting closer and closer to the police station, I felt myself growing more and more anxious.

What if Mark and Lisa filed me as missing? 

I didn't tell them I was leaving, I just left.

We live three hours away I don't think they would search this far for me, right? 

"There!" I was snapped out of my thought when Dariush declared that we had arrived at the station.

"Man, this place is trashed."

"Looks empty."

I noticed Gabriel matched my anxious tone, I wonder why though.

"Guys, I don't... nobody's, uh..." Yeah he's definitely freaking the fuck out on the inside.


"You guys go ahead. I'll just stay back and watch our bikes." I took this as a chance to stay out with him.

"Yeah I'll stay out here too so uh.. you know, so nothing kills us or something." Good save Delilah, Jesus you're stupid.

"What? Oh, yeah, because the aliens wanna jack our mountain bikes." Dariush it really is not the time to argue with us right now.

"Yeah, looters could take them. Yeah, someone should stay and watch." Thank you Alex you are a blessing. 

I gave him a thankful look.

"Whatever man." 


Gabriel and I sat down by the tree in front of the station.

"So why didn't you want to go inside?" He asks me.

"I could ask you the same question, both of us know ain't nobody stealing bikes right now."

I took the switchblade from my pocket and started flipping it and playing around with it, I just needed something to fidget with.

"Well, let's just say the people at my house were not very aware of me leaving to camp for the summer, and I'm sure they weren't thrilled when they found out." I didn't want to say too much.

"What about you?" I had to return the question.

"Oh, um, kind of the same deal for me, just I didn't actually got to camp." I'll take that.

"Alright. Hey um, can we keep this between us for now, please?" 

"Yeah sure, don't worry about it." He said with a smile, he's really sweet.

I'm not sure what it is about him that makes me feel so safe whenever I'm in his presence. It's a really weird feeling, like, REALLY weird. But it also doesn't feel bad. It's odd because it's always taken me a long time to even begin trusting the people around me, but it's different with Gabriel. I'm not sure if I fully trust him, for the obvious reason of just meeting him, but I can feel myself begin to let my guard down a bit. I just really hope that this doesn't end up hurting me in the end.  

I didn't notice that I had rested my head on his shoulder, I don't know if I should move. Am I making him uncomfortable? Is this too much? We just met.

As I'm contemplating all of that in my head, I feel his arm go around me, as if to pull me in closer. Oh God there's the feeling in my stomach again. My cheeks feel hot.

Am I... Blushing? Okay what the fuck is going on. This is so rare. 

"Are you glad you left for camp? You know, with this whole 'alien invasion' thing going on, would you rather have stayed at home?" He finally speaks up.

"Not really, I think I would have it much worse if I had stayed. I don't really enjoy being at home. The only reason I would have stayed if I knew this were to happen is for my little brother Arlo, I can't imagine how scared he is right now. Since all the phones are down I haven't been able to talk to him and it's really worrying me. I don't where he is, how he's doing, if he's safe. He's the only person I have left and I can't lose him Gabriel, I- I just can't!"

I didn't realize I was crying at this point, he turned around and wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Hey hey it's okay, right after we hand off the key we will go find him okay? I'll help you. You have me now too and we can go search for him together. It will be okay." 

I don't think I've ever felt so grateful for anyone in my life before. He's so utterly perfect. He's the kindest person I've ever encountered.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he's a bit tense at first, but then snakes his arms around my waist. It's a bit uncomfortable because we're still on the floor but I don't care, I just needed to hug him. 

"Thank you Gabe, really, thank you." I whisper in his ear, even though there's no one around us. 

You know, aside from the entire "alien invasion" thing going on, I don't think I've ever felt more safe in someone's arms than right now. I really don't know what it is about him that makes me feel like this, but it's really not a bad thing. Maybe I could end up enjoying it?

"I feel weird around you, but like, a good weird." He decides to speak up.

"The feeling is mutual, I don't really mind it though." I respond. 

"Me neither." 



Alex, Dariush and Zhen Zhen all came running out of the police station in a panic, Delilah and I shoot each other a "what the hell?" look before we all hop on our bikes and ride into town.

I feel a bit of relief wash over me when they said that there were no cops inside, I just don't feel ready yet to explain my... situation. 

But I am worried for Delilah, as we were hugging I felt her flinch when I hugged her. She couldn't have gotten hurt just because. I want her to feel comfortable enough to tell me what's going on, but she's also too worried about everyone else's safety before her own. I like that about her, but I also wonder what in her life has caused her to feel that way.

I'm quite observant of the people around me, but there's just something about her that draws me to her, pulls me in, any way you want to put it. 



I know I haven't published in a fat minute but anyways I'm bored and decided to write 

- isa

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