- chapter 2 -

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It's finally the day.

I set an alarm for 3:30 a.m. Arlo had slept in my room once again, he insisted so he could say goodbye to me when I left. I quickly got up and checked the living room. Both Mark and Lisa, my foster mother, were passed out in the living room, Mark had an empty whiskey bottle on his lap. I knew that if I took a shower they wouldn't notice so I took a quick shower and changed. 

I woke up Arlo and said goodbye. 

"Be good, try not piss Mark off more than me okay? You have my number, if you need absolutely ANYTHING, call me. Promise?" I said worriedly.

"I promise, I'm gonna miss you a lot DeeDee." My heart melted when he said my nickname that only he used.

"I'm gonna miss you too buddy." I gave him a hug and hopped out of my window, thank god my room is on the first floor.

Arlo passed me my suitcase and waved goodbye, I did the same and closed the window. I really am going to miss the little guy.

And with that I was off, it was around 4:15 a.m so I had to hurry a bit to catch the next bus, which was at 4:30.

I arrived at the station and caught the bus right away, I bought my ticket beforehand with some money that I had saved up from mowing my neighbors' lawns. I also got myself a coffee and a sandwich since I had a long ride until I got to the camp.

When I finally settled into my seat, I put on my earbuds and listened to my playlist. Mac Demarco came on, a great way to start off the day if I do say so myself.

[this is the song you are listening to btw :) ]


The bus had finally arrived to the camp at around 7:30, I was beyond exited. I was the first one out of the bus. When I had finally gotten through the huge groups of kids with their parents, I was standing next to this redhead and his mom, he seemed younger than me but not by a lot. This guy who claimed to be a leader, Logan, was greeting us. That's when I found out the kid's name was Alex. Logan was going on about something but I stopped listening, I was too focused on the nature around me, it was truly beautiful. 

We had stopped for a second because Logan wanted to know what "retail method" is, again I was not paying attention to the conversation so I wouldn't know. I finally gave up and walked away to the sign-in station when I heard them start singing.

When I was in line for sign-in, this girl got behind me and then followed Alex. Her bag had a tag that said "Shanghai" it was sick. Alex tried introducing himself, I'm guessing, but she just ignored him. 

When it was finally my turn to sign in Logan tried making conversation with me, my bag has a bunch of pins with different flags on them, he saw the Mexican flag and instantly assumed I was Mexican, I'm Venezuelan. 

"OH MEXICO?! Hola! My nombre is LOGAN!" His spanish is horrible.

"Tu español en verdad es horrible," I responded.

"Thank you! I think..." I walked away after that.

This girl had a box with phones, she asked me put to put my phone in but I just told her I didn't bring it because I needed it if Arlo called me.

As I walked away, I bumped into Dariush.

"Oh hey wassup cutie, tryna get all this chocolate?" Boys are truly disgusting.

"I'd rather chew off my own foot." His face went blank when I said that, it was hilarious.

When I FINALLY got to walk to my cabin, I chose the bottom bunk. The girl that was standing behind me in line walked in and threw her stuff to the top bunk. She seems cool so I don't mind sharing a bunk with her. She asked about my pins and I told her I collected them. She tought it was cool. We talked for a bit more, although I was the one doing most of the talking.

The camp leaders called us outside for zip-lining so ZhenZhen and I walked together. When we got in line of COURSE Dariush had to be right behind us. He kept flirting with us but it was more annoying than charming. We climbed up the ladder, I tried not listening to Dariush but it was getting really hard with that big mouth of his. While ZhenZhen went down she flipped him off, man that girl is so cool. I did the same while I went down, his face was priceless. 

ZhenZhen waited for me at the end of the zip line and we laughed about Dariush's face all the way to our cabin. We changed out of our sweaty clothes from the day and went to get ice cream. At some point we got separated but I didn't really mind since I hadn't had a moment to myself ever since I arrived at camp. 

I sat by the bonfire hearing some of the leaders, including Logan, bitch about Disney movies but I really didn't mind because I was just enjoying not having to feel worried about doing anything and getting in trouble. I was finally free for a bit, I wish Arlo could feel the same way I do now, even just for a little bit. I want him to know that there are good things in life.

As I walked back to my cabin, ZhenZhen was already there and she had already changed into her pajamas. She asked me if I cared that she played music while we fell asleep because it helped her sleep better. I told her I didn't mind at all, since it was only the both of us in our cabin. She played this really nice song and as I drifted off to sleep calmly. And for once, just once, ever since my parents died, I felt fully at peace. 

[hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and here is the song you and ZhenZhen listen to while you drift off to sleep :) ]

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