- chapter 5 -

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I looked behind me and I saw some weird creature forming from the side of the capsule. I noticed it was forming from the weird black shit Dariush touched, we warned him not to but did he listen? No.

As we ran I looked behind me and saw that the lady that had just came out of the capsule was being dragged around by the alien creature. What the hell kind of camp is this?

As we ran back to the cafeteria, I saw Alex stop behind Gabriel and I, I swear to god- we ran back to get him while he was screaming frantically about- IT HAS A DOG?!?!

"ALEX, DEL! COME ON!" If it were a normal day I would have blushed at the nickname Gabe gave me but at the very moment I was running from AN ALIEN AND IT'S DOG!(Who am I kidding I blushed anyway.) 

As we ran inside, Dariush came to a halt, resulting in all of us to stop. I needed a break anyway.

"Hey, wait! Wait, wait! How big was it? Was it, like, puppy-size? 'Cause maybe it just wants to cuddle."  

We all froze as we saw the thing behind him. We all glared at each other briefly and booked it to the kitchen.

"YOU STILL WANT TO CUDDLE THAT THING?!?!" I yelled at Dariush.

"OH SHUT UP!" I love pissing him off. 

We entered the kitchen and found a spot behind a metal table to hide in. I sat next to Gabriel while we called Alex over to where we were. It was too late to call Dariush. The alien dog, who as of now I shall be referring to as demodog because frankly that thing looked like it came straight out of a Stranger Things episode, entered the kitchen growling. Dariush quickly stood in front of a pantry. 

As the demodog got closer to us I could feel myself gripping tighter onto Gabe's hand. I quickly let go and apologized.

"Don't worry it's okay, I'm scared too, we'll be fine, I'm here." He held on to my hand once again and I gave him a warm smile to thank him.

Then I heard spoons. Spoons. Clattering on the floor. Usually, a spoon falling on the floor wouldn't scare someone. But right now, it was terrifying. 

We all turned to where all the commotion was coming from, and our eyes were met by a frantic Dariush crawling into a dishwasher with the dog behind him. 

He thankfully crawled out before the machine turned on and we all got up against a wall waiting for the next move. The demodog followed in Dariush's footsteps and crawled its way out of the machine as well.

It charged at us but we moved out of its way and it had jumped straight into the garbage disposal that Zhen quickly closed afterwards.

We couldn't even get one breath in and we already heard the bigger creature behind us. I pointed at an opened window in the kitchen. I helped Alex climb out first and then Zhen. Dariush then went and Gabriel helped me out while he went out last.

We scrambled around for a bit and got separated from Alex and Zhen. We heard something loud behind us, it sounded like something breaking. Before I had the chance to check it out, Gabe and Dariush had already pulled me into a hole under the stairs. There wasn't enough room so I sat in between Gabriel's legs. 

"Where is it?"

As if on cue, the creature stepped onto the stairs. I guess Gabriel could tell I was in major distress so he hugged me to let me know that we would be okay, and as much as I wanted to enjoy this moment, I just couldn't because 1. his arm was right over my bruise and it really hurt, and 2. my anxiety was kicking in from not knowing where Alex and ZhenZhen were and because Dariush would not stop bitching.

 I winced in pain and he quickly removed his arm.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry did I make you uncomfortable? Did I hurt you I'm so sorry-"

"Gabe it's fine I just have a bruise there, no biggie. Don't worry it wasn't you who did this." I laid my head back on his shoulder to take a breath and as a sign to let him know I'm okay.

"Okay but I'll check it out later." It was adorable how much he cared.

"You know what Gabriel? I don't like that you stole my girl from me. I had her FIRST!" Dariush said arrogantly. I know this dude did not-

"You never had me in the first place and that isn't the most important thing at the moment. We have to go help Alex and ZhenZhen." 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are we leaving? This an alien-proof hiding spot." 

"We have to HELP THEM!"

"And die too?"

We practically pushed him out from under the stairs and then crawled out ourselves. Gabriel made sure to be extra careful with me from now on to avoid the bruise at all costs.

We stood there for a moment before we heard loud banging and clanging coming from behind us. We slowly turned our heads to be met with none other than our beloved demodog crawling its way out of what I think is a chimney. 

"Fuck man I need a drink." I accidentally said out loud.

"Me too." Both boys agreed before we started running.

"Go, go!"

"Speed your ass up, Gabriel!"

"It's Cujo-"


"Oh, shit, get the door!"

We ended up jumping into the capsule. Well, the boys did. Gabriel insisted on carrying me because he refused to let me get hurt. I thought it was better to just let him, it was better than protesting against it. Plus, it was cute how protective he got. A win-win situation. 

As they were fighting about who-knows-what, I was playing around with the buttons in the capsule. I get distracted easily, it's not my fault. There was a really big red one that just said 'PRESS ME' all over it and, how could I not? I follow instructions, sometimes... 

As I was about to press it, Dariush pushed me back, asking me 'ArE yOu CrAzY?!?!' 

"HEY don't fucking touch her!" Gabe said possesively. Awe.

We then saw Alex and ZhenZhen outside the capsule, we were trying to warn them about the dog but it was obvious they couldn't hear us. When they FINALLY got a clue, they slowly turned their heads but moved fast when the dog charged at them. 

Again, I had no clue what was going on, but as Dariush and Gabe were, once again, fighting I took this chance to press the pretty, red button. 

We all suddenly stopped what we were doing when we heard a loud screech coming from outside. Dariush, being the child he is, pressed his face up on the window.

"Alex, you're welcome. I put the dog on fire for you guys! And Gabriel was selfish and he didn't help at all. What button do I press to open this window? Help me!"

The three of us jumped out of the capsule to find the demodog burnt to a crisp.

"And you told me not to press the button."

"Oh shut it."

"I think we got it," Gabriel said a little too confidently, for the second he finished his statement the larger creature came in view.

"Too early Gabe..." I grabbed his hand and ran. I just ran.

"At what point do we trip Zhenzhen and keep running?" 

"Eat shit Dariush!" That's my girl.

I didn't get to be proud for long because the damn thing had us all pinned to the ground in a matter of seconds. I held on to Gabe's hand tighter. He looked at me and we just stared at each other. We didn't need to say a single word. We just looked. We both were very aware that we were going to die that instant and neither of us wanted to die looking at the horrendous scene in front of us. We just needed each other's eyes.



Thank you to absolutely anybody who is reading this shitty story, I truly appreciate it. I've honestly lost motivation for a lot of things lately but this is the one thing that truly keeps me going, thank you to anybody who sees this. :) 

- isabela 

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