The Harem (Villains)

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A/N - This is the second part of the harem. This will cover the villains and some more charecters that aren't from the MCU. That is so I could have more charectes to use. Do not worry, I will not add anyone from the DC universe unless decided otherwise and at a later date.

Also, sorry for taking so long to update this. School ain't easy and I have finals coming around the corner.

Now, I'mma break my hands.

Now, I'mma break my hands

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Erika Killmoger:

Abilities: vibrainium suit, wakandan spirit

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Abilities: vibrainium suit, wakandan spirit.

Vibrainium suit: her suit is made out of vibrainium, the strongest metal known on earth. When avtive, she can absorb kinetic energy and release it when attacking. The suit will get a purpule coloe when ebergy is stored. She can take out panther like claws from her nails when the suit is active. The suit can't be penetrated.

Wakandan spirit: She has the spirit of the warriors of wakanda.

[Don't worry, child. I'll rule Wakanda, and you will sit as a prince~]


Abilities:  living A

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Abilities:  living A.I., top computer knowlege, clones.

Living A.I.: Due to her being an A.I., she can learn things far quicker than all humans.

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