Part 14

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Y/n: Suho oppa..

SH: Yes princess? 

Y/n: Someone want to meet you.

SH: Who?

Then Hyunjin came with a cold face.

HY: Me.. Long time no see, Suho..

Suho look at him shock.

SH: H-hyunjin-ah..

HY: Why don't you tell me?

SH: I can explain.. Please, sit down..

He sighed as the both of you waiting for him to explain.

SH: I guess you already tell her about her, Taehyung and Do hyun right?

Hyunjin nodded.

SH: I've no intention to kill the both of you or get a revenge because your father is the one killed my father not you. The moment I saw Do hyun leave Y/n lifeless, I bring her to the hospital and she is safe. I changed her name so that Do hyun will think that she is really dead. I want to tell you but we lost contact so I decide to keep Y/n with me. I didn't hurt her. She's already like my sister. Do hyun doesn't know that I'm the one who save Y/n. But I guess he do know that she is still alive.

HY: He do.. Taehyung's step mother told him.

Y/n: Can I see his picture?

Suho show you Do hyun's pic. You look at them and sighed.

Y/n: I bumped into him few days before.

HY: Did he hurt you?

You shake your head as a no.

Y/n: But I got a flashback. When he stabbed me. But nothing new.

HY: It's okay.. Since Do hyun already know that Y/n is Hyejin and she is still alive.. He will kill her.

Y/n: Mrs.Kim also didn't like me at all.

SH: Because you will get married with Taehyung means you both will have the next generation. She want all the property goes to her so she have to kill Taehyung and you so no one will know her plan.

Y/n: But you both already know..

HY: She's stupid.

SH: To avoid suspicion, she work with Do hyun who is also want to kill Taehyung to get the mafia boss place. He will used you and kill you so be careful. Taehyung has his man everywhere and he already know that Do hyun will kill him and Mrs. Kim plan but he thought they both only target him not you.

HY: We all have to work together to save both Y/n and Taehyung.

At that moment, you suddenly feel like you are a burden to them. Because of you, your brothers and Taehyung have to worried and protect you and you can't do anything but just sit still. You want to help them but of course they won't let you especially Taehyung who can be very protective when it comes to you.

HY: Sis, you okay?

You give them a small smile and nodded.

Y/n: I'm fine.. Don't worry about me.

SH: We'll discuss this with Taehyung.

Y/n: Does he really need to know? I-I feel like a burden to you guys..

SH: Hey princess, listen to me.. You will never be a burden to us. You are our sister and you are our responsibility. And yes he need to know. He is your fiance.. Yes he will be protective but if not then Do hyun might kill you. We can't afford to lose you.

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