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I walked over to the three angels and smiled shyly.

"You've done well, Ramona. You've done well." Gabriel exclaimed.

"Yes. We thank you very much. We are eternally grateful for what you have done. You've gotten rid of what all us angels, even God fears most. You truly are a daughter of God and a light angel." Michael said with a smile.

I smiled but then my smile faded once again. Suddenly all the light angels came up to me and cheered and clapped. I heard many people saying sorry and asking for forgiveness. This made me sad.

"Heaven needs a leader and hero Ramona. I think we can all agree we have done many horrible things. We've all made mistakes and took you for someone evil. In return...

Micheal then placed his hand on my shoulder and I glew.

"You are now a guardian angel. Congratulations. You can now go to Earth and protect a person if your choice instead of someone out of random. We would also love it if you became the guardian angel of all of Heaven." Micheal said.

My heart dropped. "I..."

Everyone's eyes were on me and I felt uncomfortable. This isn't what I wanted...I make my own destiny...

"I can't...I'm sorry." I told Michael. His smile faded.

"Why not little one?" He asked.

"I...I don't belong here." I told him.

"What? Of course you do Ramona." Gabriel said. "Your a daughter of God and a light Angel. Of course you belong here."

"No... I don'.  I may be an angel but I'm still different. I knew someone that believed I was different for a purpose and I plan on finding that purpose. I still don't know what my name means and what my future has in store for me, but all I know is that my future does not rest here, it rests on earth. For a long time I knew earth called out to me and I've been dying to live there and find a meaning on that planet. I want to start a life down there and see what I can discover about earth, humans and most importantly myself. Yes I may be a light angel at heart, but I was born a dark angel. I'm always going to be a dark angel and I'm not gonna forget that. I take pride in it. No matter how bad the name sounds, not all dark angels are evil. That's why I'm going to stick with that name and I shall be known as The Dark Angel. I will do good and help people on earth to show everyone that in goodness there is darkness in darkness there is kindness. There is always darkness in light and light in the darkness all that matters is if we actually take the chance to find it." I said with a smile.

Everyone was shocked but shortly after understood what I was trying to say. I looked at Michael, Gabriel and Castiel and they each gave me a smile.

"As you wish milady." Michael said. Suddenly everyone cheered, both dark and light angels. I brought them together and it felt really good.

"Let this be a moment for all of you to learn from all your mistakes! No one is perfect. Everyone should be different in their own way to make themselves unique. You are free to do whatever you want. Dress however you like, wear your favorite color, do what makes you happy! You are free! You are you!" I shouted for everyone to hear.

Everyone cheered once more and clapped for me. I was finally accepted here! I made people smile for once. It made me smile as well.

"My lady Ramona? What are you to do now?" One female Angel asked me.

"I will head down to earth now. I shall start my journey on finding myself my meaning and my purpose." I told her. Everyone clapped for me and bid me farewell.


I went to the edge of Heaven and was prepared to leave above and go down below. Suddenly I heard someone behind me and I turn to see Castiel there.

"Castiel." I said with a smile. He was already smiling at me.

"Hello Ramona. You've done well and I came to say that I am extremely proud of you. I just want you to know that I've always seen you as family. No matter how many times you've annoyed me or I've thrown you out of my house I just want you to know that I care for you a lot. No matter how many times we've fought or if I seemed as if I didn't like you, I actually do listen and do care. You are an incredible young woman that I see so much potential in and you have definitely gone above and beyond and I admire that about you. I thank you for what you have done here and I wish you luck on earth." He said.

I smiled and ran to hug him so tight. "Thank you Castiel. That means a lot!" I said. He hugged back before we parted.

I walked over to the edge again and turned to say bye to him. He said bye back and the next thing I knew, I jumped off the edge and found myself flying through the sky of earth over a city called New York.

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