Plans and Goodbye's

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     "Miss Ramona. Why are you asking those certain questions?" Miss Anna said up in the front of the class room.

"Because we deserve the right to know why we can't do certain stuff." I said raising my voice at my teacher.

Today wasn't going great in school. It was stupid. I asked a question about Lucifer and him having to do something with our lesson and I was getting in trouble for it.

"You will not talk such things in this school. Now everyone keep their smiles and chins up! That includes you too Ramona." Miss Anna said. I scoffed and grabbed my things and headed out the door. I was wasn't dealing with this bullshit. I need to clear my head.

I went to visit one out of two of my only friends in Heaven. Even tho he didn't really care about me, he let me stay as long as I was quite. Which I usually was so I casually just stayed there once in a while.

I got to his house and called out for him, "Castiel?! Are you home?!"

He answered the door and rolled his eyes when he saw me and walked away from the door, leaving it open. I walked in and put my bag down.

"Why aren't you in school. It's a rule that you must be-"

"Must be in school until the last bell rings I know but I got frustrated." I said cutting him off.

"What happened this time?" He said sighing annoyed.

"I asked about Lucifer." I said bored.

He slammed his fist on his desk. "Damn it Ramona you don't ask about that man. It's for-"

"Forbidden, I know." I said rolling my eyes. "So then why teach us if we can't even say his name out loud?"

"Because it's history Ramona." Castiel said.

"Yeah so if it's history then we can't just let it be shut out! We can't hide history! It's important! Gosh Cas I just wish I lived on Earth. Things would be so much easier. I wouldn't have my strings to hold me down. I could be free to do what I want, wherever and whenever I want."

"Yeah but your not down there and unless your a guardian angel, you can't live down there. That's your only way out kiddo, going through school then becoming an angel. A real light angel."

I grunted out loud. "But I don't wanna be some stupid light angel! I wanna see the world and doing something in it. I don't wanna protect someone I don't even know, I wanna protect someone I care about and that I'm close too like a friend, lover, sidekick, partner. They would most definitely not be angels though."

"Well you keep dreaming princess because news flash, it's not going to happen." Castiel said.

"No, news flash, I'm getting what I want. And what I want is to figure out what everyone is hiding cause clearly there are things the higher angels and archangels aren't telling us so we need to do something about it. Just like Angela said! If you won't help me, then I'll do it on my own. I can't keep living like this Cas! I feel trapped! I need to be free and find what gives my life meaning! I need to find people like me. I'm starting now, because if no one is going to do it, then I will!" I yelled.

Cas sarcastically clapped and said, "Wow, how inspiring. Now make sure to get back to school."

"You think I can't do this don't you?" I asked him.

"Nope, so scoot because I have more important things to do." He then turned around and went back to his work. I scoffed again and grabbed my backpack and left. I needed to go to the person I trust the most in this Heaven hell. That was Angela.

Angela was one of the oldest angels here. She's the one that gives us our names and helps us train with our powers. Angela isn't like the other angels. She listens and gives advice. She is so sweet and understanding. She believes every word I say and encourages me to follow my heart. I'm honestly her favorite. She's like a grandmother to me and I love her so much.

When I got to her house, I asked to train with my powers. I love using those light beams because they destroy. I honestly find it peaceful because of all the rage that is deep within. I had explained to her what happened at school and told her that I was going to get to the bottom of what Heaven has to hide.

I was actually proud of my fighting skills. She taught me how to fight and defend myself. She said I would need it because it connected to the future and to my name. That was another thing I needed to figure out. If my name has something to do with the future, then what is it?! Did it mean I was going to be stuck in this crap shot forever or did it mean I was going to get out? Whatever it meant, I was also intending to figure that out.

"Come...sit with me my love. I need to tell you something." Angels said.

I was sweating. I am a professional at fighting now and I would've never done it without Angela.

She said something about as time goes on and I grow stronger, so will my powers and I will unlock hidden secrets in me, as the world will too. I had no idea what she meant, but whatever it was, it sounded kinda exciting but overall scary. I'm not too confident in my powers. My fighting and flying are good, I just lack that spark inside me. Angela told me that the spark is missing but it's still there.

I sit next to Angela. "What is it?" I ask her.

"You my child are going to do great things. You are going to make a change, I know you will. I knew from the start. Your power and your name. I can see the future Ramona and there you are, you are different. You are the key to unlocking a new chapter of the book. You are ready to follow what you feel is best. No matter what happens and no matter what everyone says, you do not fail. You here me my child? You do not fail. Never give up. Always push forward and keep trying, because I'm the end.m, you may never know if you'll make it or not. So the best thing to do is to keep trying and finish what you started." She said with a smile.

I smiled widely and I felt tears form into my eyes. I knew what was happening. It was really breaking my heart.

"Ramona...the name of which means protecting hands. I promise you...that you will figure it all out my love. I promise you, you will become the girl I've always wanted you to be and always saw you to become. I am so proud of you and I always will be. You never disappoint me Ramona. I promise you will be amazing." She said.

I began to cry and I held onto her hand.

"My child there is evil in Heaven and you must figure it out. Figure it out for me." She said. "Please just be careful. It will be alright in the end. Just remember our training and what I've always taught you. You are a protecter, Ramona. You always will be, but not the protector you think. Just give it time my darling and you'll see what your purpose is and who you really are. Who you were really meant to become...go now. Let me rest. I will see you another time my love. I love you very much. For now, go be my brave girl. Go save Heaven. Go be the person you are to become. Go be a hero." She said.

And with her last final breath, I could no longer feel her grip. I lay her hand on her lap. Laying her to rest peacefully. I cried and gave her a kiss on her forehead before standing up and out of breath saying, "Don't worry Angela, I'm going to get to the bottom of this for you..."

"Thank you for everything..."

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