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Have you ever felt like people were controlling your life and afraid that one day you become someone but it isn't exactly the person you want to be? You are forced to dress a certain way, look a certain way, wear a certain color and you can't say anything because then you'll be the weird and odd one of the pack? Yeah that's me.

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I'm Ramona, I'm an angel of Heaven

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I'm Ramona, I'm an angel of Heaven. Ramona means 'Protecting Hands.' I have no idea why they would name me Ramona. I have really no one to protect. Apparently our names are special because they are chosen based off the future. This scared me. Like I said, I feel like I'm a puppet with strings attached to my arms making me do things out of my control. The fact that my future says I will be protecting didn't sound like a good future to me. This probably meant I was going to become a professional angel and protect and watch over people on Earth. It's nice but not what I want to do. I'm not entirely sure what I wanna do with my life, but I definitely don't want to be an angel puppet for God and everyone in Heaven. I've always wanted to wear a different color than white. Apparently white is supposed to be the color of angels. Well, good angels at least or as we angels call us good angels, light angels.

Dark angels are when you turn into something opposite of light. Hint, hint they mainly signal it towards Lucifer. I'm talking about demons. Dark angels that didn't follow the rules and were sent to hell.

Here at my school, the Angelic Academy, they talk about Lucifer and how bad of a guy he is. I've heard his story plenty of times to realize that he was just misunderstood and was only trying to be loyal. I am not on either side if you wondering. I'm just simply in the middle. I am the only person in like the world who's in the middle. It's either God's side or Lucifer's. Heaven or Hell, Angel or Demon.

Now you probably may the thinking after that whole Lucifer thing, "what do angels learn at an angel school?" Well for one the story of God, Micheal, Gabriel and Lucifer. We also practice our powers. We all have different powers. Depends on your personality, it contributes to your power. My power is shooting light beams and glowing power orbs out of my hands. Destruction. Already, I was a weird one out of the angels. Everyone else got healing, growing, song, some power where you can make people have good dreams. I got a dangerous power. I'm honestly not complaining. I actually love my powers, I can just never use them unless I'm training in secret. What I can use on the other hand freely, are my wings.

My wings are big and white. Again, the white is killing me. I love flying. It allows me to express and feel free for once. I can fly wherever I want too. Even on Earth. Of course our wings don't show unless we take flight or we stretch them out if we want too. When we don't need them, they simply are put away and dissolve into thin air, but they're still there.

I really have no friends. All except like two, but they were older angels. They are very wise angels. One of them can understand me and the other can grant me company.

At school, everyone gives me weird looks and stays away from me. I don't really mind it. Better than having to deal with people that judge me and don't say anything about it. I hate liars. I just wish I actually found someone that understood me and liked me for me. Instead, everyone hates me and thinks badly of me. Honestly I wish that there was someone out there that accepted me and doesn't treat me like garbage. I want someone to let my name mean something, but not in an angel way. I mean in a friendship, romantic or family way.

This may sound like Heaven to you, but for me it's a cage that I can't get out of. Heaven to me is not a Heaven at all.

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