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"your case will go two ways and only two ways

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"your case will go two ways and only two ways. they'll press your charges and we press ours. we'll press charges for aggravated battery and hate crime, you'll get around 10 thousand dollars each. n-"

Malik signs something, looking at Mateo.

"what's the difference between battery and assault?" Mateo asks

we're in Malik's hospital room. we as in Mateo and I, and their parents. Jax, his family and both lawyers. Jax wasn't as badly injured as malik. his wrist is broken and he has a concussion.

"battery means they had the intention to hurt you. assault is more or so they didn't mean to hurt you." Cristiano explains.

"I have a friend working the case. he's only working the case for good money. he told me the families charging Malik with attempted murder and battery. Jax is being charged with battery and sexual assault." William, the Pierre's lawyer, tells.

"wait sexual assault? what did Jax do that he's being charged for that?" Owen asks angered. this is the first time I've seen him in something other than a suit and sunglasses. he's wearing a polo and jeans. his wife beside him in a nice summer dress.

Mateo told me Owen is one of his dad's oldest friends. they met when they were kids in Italy, but Owen ended up moving to America. They met years later when Mateo Sr. and Elena moved to Miami. Owen's Wife is from the UK. Her family is apparently a part of the English Mafia, with who the James family also has a truce.

"The boys say Jaxson groped them, multiple times," Williams tells, looking at his

"that's not true," Jax objects.

"that's why we need you both to tell us the story, every detail you can," Cristiano says.

Jax starts first, taking a deep breath before starting.

"It was 6th period, I had spares for the rest of the day. we can't leave school property until 8th period so I went to the library to finish assignments. I was there, by myself until 7th period. That's when Malik came. we did some work together for a good 15 minutes. we decided to take a break and go for a walk. we left the library and headed past the gym. it was pride day so we were in our pride wear. the whole day we were getting compliments and whatnot. no hate. when we rounded the corner where the other gym entrance is we see the three seniors. Trevor, Jason and Duncan were standing there, smirks on their faces. we decide to turn the other way, which was left. we continued our walk and talk." Jax starts

"what were you talking about?" William asks.

"Dr. Strange and Scarlett Witch. Marvel Characters." Jax tells

"ok, so you were walking and talking..."

"the whole time we knew the seniors were behind us. we just didn't know how far back. we got about halfway down the hall before they started yelling homophobic comments. 'what are you daddy's boys doing out here?' 'they turned to fags cause every girl they were with said the dick was trash' 'when someone says to go fuck yourself, do you actually? you know, with a dildo?' 'This country doesn't like fags' 'no fags allowed in our school' 'twinks like you get hurt' and then that's when the threats started 'if you don't leave we'll kill you 'get out our school, or else' 'you fairy's better start running'." he repeats what they said and I can feel Mateo tense beside me.

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