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"you two are growing" I turn to the side, looking at my swollen stomach in the mirror.

with March gone by and now birthday, I've decided it's time to tell my family.

Mateo has been patient with me and let me choose when I'm ready. i didn't want to have a party this year, I don't want to do anything significant. I just wanted my birthday to go by like any other day.

it won't feel right with my dad and I'm still trying to get used to not having him here.

Mateo got me some gifts and even stayed in bed with me to read. His mom cooked my favourite recipe of her's and His dad generously swapped out my dad's old Escalade for a new one.

in his words "it wouldn't be an 18th birthday without a car!" i'll forever be thankful for Mateo's family.

"Mama loves you both, my sweet babies" I smile, pulling down my sundress.

dresses are the only things that fit me, other than Mateo's clothing. I'd wear Mateo's clothes over a dress any day.

"Beautiful?" i hear Mateo call

"I'm coming." i walk out of the bathroom. i groan sitting down on the bed.

"here you go." he hands me the food i requested. "oreos and orange juice. then your pickles with mayonnaise and jam."

i smile, happily taking the pickles first.

"wanna try?" i ask Mateo as he watches me.

"no, thanks. that doesn't look pleasing to me." he shakes his head.

"ok." i shrug, dancing in satisfaction. "how did errands go with Zay?"

"good, we got a good amount of boxes. and i got him avenger stickers to put on his boxes so we know which is his." he smiles taking off his shoes and shirt.

we're moving in a few weeks and we have yet to start packing.

"put that shirt back on." i demand


"i'm a hormonal pregnant woman. i'll suck your dick, right now." i put my pickles down.

"i usually love getting head, but i think it's unhealthy the amount of times i've came in the last 24 hours." he doesn't put his shirt back on.

"but you're hard." i point at the evident bulge.

"baby, i'm always hard around you." he deadpans, before going into the closet.

"watch your step kid, watch your step kid." Zay sings, skipping into the room.

"where did you hear that song?" i question.

"Papa Mat's office." he smiles

"i need to tell my dad to stop playing, wu-tang. he keeps singing method man and saying 'old dirty bastard'." Mateo tells coming out of the closet with a sweater on.

"what does nigga mean?"


"your package came." my grandmother says on the other side of the facetime.

"there's pictures there for you guys." i say trying to keep my nerves at bay.

we sent my grandparents the pictures we took on Mateo's birthday as well as the sonograms.

not the best way to tell them, but it's the best i could think of.

"awh, look at Zay." my grandma coos "Kingston! come look at these." she calls after my grandpa.

His Tesoro (The James Series book 1 )(BWWM)Where stories live. Discover now