Chapter Four

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A couple of hours later the base was being repaired after the unexpected attack.

?: we look like humans but we are powerful weapons the mental cube there mysterious crystal substance acquired by Humanity through their battle against the sirens there also the foundation upon which we were created filled with their power to fight the sirens it is the power of warships strong enough tame a ocean and silence the sirens humanity reclaimed the help of the mental cubes but it wasn't enough some people wanted more alliances eventually split one side was called red axes this included the Sakura empire and Iron blood do to their desire to acquire the siren power for themselves they raise Rebellion against Azur Lane even facing a common threat the sirens conflict human faction continues the truth is war never changes it's exactly the same no matter the era.

During the repairs most of the ships were badly damaged tons of shipgirls were hurt.

Prince of Wales: they got us. I didn't expect them to attack us first.

Illustrious: I'm not surprised they join the iron blood it's to be expected but.

At the eagle union base tons of siren ships and planes were destroyed and four F16 landed on the battle carrier.

Hybrid was on top of his ship looking at the carnage watching the siren ships and planes disappear.

Prince of Wales: perhaps they move too soon; they don't know the siren's power and how dangerous it is.

Illustrious: we need to focus on rebuilding the main royal navy forces will be arriving soon. We mustn't be caught off guard again.

Prince of Wales: thank goodness for eagle union enterprise along with hybrid jets and spirit dragon she and them truly saved us this time.

Illustrious: yes but great risk to her own existence.

Prince of Wales: hers and hybrid strength are limitless they fight without hesitation like an arrow loose from its bow and yet.

Illustrious: let us not forget when a bowstring is pulled too tightly it can easily snap.

On the water javelin and Laffey were heading to shore when they arrived they jumped on the dock and their ships appeared.

Javelin: seem we all made out safe at least.

Javelin looks at Laffey who has her body on the ground.

Javelin: oh Laffey are you okay.

Laffey: I'm sleepy, it's nap time.

Javelin sweat drops.

Javelin: not a good place to take a snooze.

Unicorn: hi javelin hi Laffey.

Javelin: hey there unicorn are you alright are you hurt.

Unicorn: I'm fine thanks for asking.

Prince of Wales: great work both of you you'd kept us safe.

Javelin had a flashback when her, unicorn and Laffey met ayanami.

Javelin: hold on.

Laffey grab javelin shirt accidentally pulling the shirt down unbuttoning exposing her chest causing unicorn to blush.

Javelin: laffey why you do that.

Laffey: sleepy and so hungry too night night. Javelin sees a crab on Laffey's chest ; she quickly removes it from her friend's chest.

Illustrious: I'm sure you're quite tired, do go rest yah.

Javelin: uh wait.

Prince of Wales: I believe you just ordered to rest *giggle*.

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