Ruins and Rivals

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The meeting with the client took me only a short hour. After the long and idling journey from the palace I was given more dire and direct orders. "Capture the prince. Bring him here."

The next ball was to take place in a days time due to the precarious week long festivals for the princes birthday. It was thankfully, the perfect time to garner an abduction.

I longed to never wear the damn heels again, but a job was a job. I also couldn't get the prince out of my head. How was I going to capture him? If he saw me again would he grab his guards, kill me on site? Or maybe he would wrap his arms around my waist and pull me into—
I blink.
I need to get ahold of myself.

The next day flew by due to my loathsome travel. I checked into an inn bathed my body in all the bathrooms lavender soap and dressed for the ball.

The plan was simple... ish. I was going to try and get the prince to notice me and follow. Hopefully the fun night we shared shall ignite sort of desire. Once he was alone I would have to cut him on a part of his body. My blade strapped tightly on my thigh had been laced with a sleeping draught. Then the two men who were bribed from my client would grab the prince and put him in a food cart by the stables.

If all goes according to plan I'll ride out of here a cart maid with a prince as my package.

I had arrived at the annoyingly enchanting ballroom once again. The music was the same if not a bit more dramatic and dark. My hair started to curl due to the humid atmosphere.  I brushed the hair out of my face as I scanned the ballroom. He wasn't here yet.

I decided to go walk around the ballroom to check the perimeter. There were thirteen guards stationed on the dance floor alone... interesting but not unusual.

The music was continuing its crescendo as couples flawlessly waltzed. I had danced with one or two handsome gentle men, but the hours were growing longer and the prince still had no shown.

All of a sudden I see two guards staring me down. There the two who my client bribed. One slightly tilts his head in a direction of a door. I follow getting ready to tell them that the prince has yet to show.

I open the door to a small yet deep closet. It's dark, but I can make out the outline of the guard.
"He has yet to show up as you can see." I say with a bit of venom to my voice.

The door opens as the second guard walks in. I notice somethings wrong a second to late as the guard hits me on the back of the head.

I fall to the floor fighting to stay awake as my vision fills with stars.

My vision goes black.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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