Scratch and Kiss

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My smirk seemed to have irk him as his hand squeezed tighter around my waist, the knife ever closer.

"I do enjoy our encounters," he said, his breath warm against my cheek. He slides the dagger down grazing your skin but not harming you, as he places the dagger away and into his coat.

"Though, I do not wish to mess with perfection." He slid his hand down my face in a delicate caress. You roll your eyes and slam your elbow into his chest hard. You both become a tangle of limbs until you spin him in the opposite direction pinning him up against the wall. Thankfully still hidden from view.

"Your mistake." You countered, meeting his eyes gaze for gaze. He laughs, the sound rich and velvet against your soul. You push the arm on his chest harder. "Laugh all you want, but I'm not some peasant girl who cannot be reckoned with." His laughter ceases as his face becomes more serious.

"Go ahead, I know why your here. I have no reason to doubt your a force to be reckoned with. You might want to hurry, though as you may have gotten me alone, but rest assured that my guards will be here soon, so don't waste time." At that he smiled again, poisoning me with pleasure.

"I'm not here to kill you at least not tonight, the information I need is valuable to me there for as is your life."

For now.

His eyes meet yours again for a beat you pause, this evening as had the encounter had been oddly enjoyable. Then you remembered who he was, who you were.

You knew the rules the client had set, get information for the rebellion, kill the prince, get out. However, as you look back into the princes eyes, the client never specified when I was to kill the prince.

"Before you murder me, I would like to know why your trying to kill me. Believe me he winked, many people try usually for power, but why you?"

You smile, taking the dagger and making a quick slash across his perfect face. The scratch shouldn't have hurt badly, you only wanted to leave a reminder. He put his hand to his cheek.

Before he could say anything else you grab the collar of his shirt pulling him to your height. He gives you a hateful glare traced with another emotion. Earning?

You give him no time to think as your mouth connects with his.

Bliss pure unrelenting bliss shoots through your body. The kiss deepening threatening to drown you, undo you.

Reality crashes back into you as you stop yourself, stop your thoughts.

Pushing him away you sheath your dagger. He faced flushed his mouth red. The scratch and kiss made to hold as a reminder.

"I'll be back." You say, turning away from him as you slip back into the crowd.

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