Dancing and Danger

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Thunder cracked as rain started to pelt the stain glass windows.

You glance at the giant clock plastered against the wall, time was running out. You shouldn't have been here for as long as you were, the guest still dancing as you made to shove your way past.

Your pass people left and right gliding through couples after couples, the music picking up pace as a new waltz was about to begin.

The room was still shining vibrant, alluring people to dance the night away. You kept your gaze down hoping to not garner attention from him or the guards.

Could he see you or did you slip far enough away from his grasp that you procured the unattainable, threaten the prince and lived. Not only that but kissed him as well. You don't know why you had done it, maybe to make him loathe you all the more or...or, you don't why else.

Though it did satisfy you to know you left him with the reminder of not only a kiss but a cut across his cheek, you smirk.

It was getting harder and harder to maneuver through the whirling guest packed closely in the ballroom, though at least he couldn't see you.

"Ow" You said as a couple whirling around sauntered into you utterly unfazed. You roll your eyes moving past as you fixed your gown righting yourself. Peering toward the stair case you scowled. There had to be another way out, one that wouldn't gather stares.

After all here you weren't an assassin you told yourself , your cover tonight was just a lowly girl in need of a night with gold splendor, stolen kisses, and bubbling fun.

The sea of lace and suits opened before you revealing a way to the stair case, whatever you thought, you didn't care who saw at this point you just had to leave. You picked up the heavyweight of your shirts as you quickly rushed ahead taking advantage of the pathway before you.

Just as your foot graced the first step to ascend the considerable sized stair case you felt a hand grasp your arm.

Before you could assess the situation the hand reached again taking hold of your waist and spinning you around.

Not saying a word he slid his hands to the other side of your waist and lifted your other hand to meets his. Panic seeped in, why didn't you move you thought-

"One dance." He said

"What?" You started

"Before you leave me, with my two reminders leave me with a third. Waltz with me."

You blinked

"I'd liked to think the two reminders were enough."
"And didn't I tell you never?" You said even as your body betrayed you and started to sway to the ascending orchestra. 

You studied his eyes as he met your gaze, damn him and those beautiful eyes. He was perfection and he knew it.

"Before you so valiantly leave me, with those hearty reminders." He winked.
"When should I expect your return." He said everything with such condescending grace it was hard not to fall.

"When I need answers."

"You know I can get guards with one signal and your mine." He's gaze sharpened.

"You can try." You smile

The music again formed that beautiful crescendo, and you reveled in the classical music.

"The next ball should be soon, I would hope you would pay another visit then. Seeming I live till then?" He's eyes gleamed with an amused question.

"Maybe." You smirked.

The music was rich and had a particularly violent tone toward it. As did the dance, this waltz lasted a life time and didn't last long enough

Pulled apart by pain and pleasure. He whirled you around as you gracefully maneuvered around him. Dancing faster, enjoying yourself.

Time forgotten.

The rain out side pounded harder, then


The bell sounded its final toll as he looked up, all the time you needed because as he turned back to face you, face flush from dancing you were gone.

This time for good.

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