The Weekend

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                                                                     ------NEXT MORNING--------

I wake up around 10 o'clock, take a shower and wear something comfy. I wake Najya up and go down for breakfast. 

It's been half an hour and Najya still does'nt come for breakfast so I go up to check on him.

When I enter the room, I see Najya just out of the washroom, having a towel wrapped around his waist and his body is drenching and he just looks so attractive.

ME: *thinks* OMG I think im falling in I cant do this.....this might hurt.....dont look at him.

Najya: Hey! You fine??

ME: uhh yea yea totally🙂. Just wanted to call you for breakfast.

Najya: Yeah I'll be down in a moment.

I leave and wait for him at the table.
He quickly comes down and we finish breakfast.

Since it was a weekend, he did'nt have to go to work.

We just decide to relax and play a few games.

Around noon we both go to the gaming room and play for a while.

He teaches me how to play billiards

He makes me laugh a lot and we have a lot of fun

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He makes me laugh a lot and we have a lot of fun. I playfully punch him in the arm and we start playfighting.
He picks me up and throws me on the couch lightly and starts tickling me. I laugh a lot and my stomach starts to hurt now because of laughing so much, so we take a break.

Najya: I swear I have never laughed this much my entire life.

ME: Me either!

As I say this, we were having a moment. 
We were just looking into each other's eyes for almost a whole minute.

Just then Najya's maid knocks on the door.

Maid: *knocks*

Najya: come in

Maid: Sir, the lunch is ready.

Najya: Yea. We're coming.

She closes the door behind her and we both just get up and I notice in his eyes that he's a little disappointed.

ME: Are you fine?

Najya: hmm

ME: ok

After lunch we decide to watch a movie so we go back to the bedroom and decide to watch "The Holidate" and things get a little cheesy in the movie so we both get a little awkward.
He pauses the movie almost in the middle.

ME: Hey!!! why did u stop it?

Najya: I just remembered something.

ME: ok go on.

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