Chapter one

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John's eyes fluttered open to the sound of Sherlock's violin playing downstairs. The clock read 3:14 am. John lie there a moment trying to get back to sleep but soon gives up and stands up from his bed groggily and makes his way downstairs. Sherlock stands at the window with his back to John. He's wearing a plain white t-shirt, sweat pants and his blue silk house coat. Sherlock doesn't notice John as he plays a sad song, starring out the window.

He's composing. Something he only does to distract him mind. He plays to think, he composes to distract himself. The music stops for a brief moment and he scribbles something on his sheet music then the song starts off exactly where it left off. Sherlock had been acting different as of late. He'd been moping around the flat, not eating, not sleeping, not talking, not taking cases (even an interesting one about a man who'd been beheaded and left in front of the jewellers with a threatening note stapled to his chest). John hadn't heard Sherlock voice in over 72 hours now. He'd only heard the sound of Sherlock's depressing yet beautiful music.

John makes himself a cup of tea and sits in his chair and watches him play. He watches Sherlock's fingers glide skilfully over the strings and the muscles in his back and arms flex and relax with his movements. John closes his eyes and listens to the beauty of Sherlock's music and is genuinely disappointed when it ends. Sherlock takes his violin out of the crook of his neck and places it on his music stand. He looks a little startled to turn around and see John awake and downstairs at this hour. "Couldn't sleep?" John asks quietly. Sherlock nods and takes his place in his own chair across from John. "Me neither." John states and takes a final gulp of his tea.

Sherlock stares off into the space past John's head blankly. "What's on your mind?" John asks. There's a flicker of pain in Sherlock's eyes before he shakes his head and brings his knees up to his chest. John doesn't push for a answers and they sit in silence for ten minutes until John stands up. "Goodnight Sherlock." He says and makes his way upstairs. "Goodnight John." He hears as he's halfway up to his room. He stops and smiles to himself before he continues to his bed and fails fall back asleep.

In the morning when John sleepily makes his way downstairs Sherlock has taken on a whole new personality. He's dressed in day clothes for the first time in a week and is rushing around the flat making phone calls and typing away at his laptop like Franz Liszt on crack. John stands at the doorway momentarily, stunned to at the detectives transformation. Sherlock walks past John shouting into his phone before hanging up and throwing his phone at the nearest wall. He spots John and give him his trademark 'I'm cute-I'm innocent- please love me' smile and rushes back over to his laptop.

"I take it your feeling happier this morning." John states walking past him to make himself coffee. Sherlock chuckles. "What was that about?" John asks reaching up to the top shelf where Sherlock always puts the cups even though he knows John struggles to reach them. When he doesn't hear Sherlock's reply he turns around to see Sherlock smirking at his struggling. John glares at him and drags a chair over and climbs on it to reach his cup. Sherlock chuckles and turns back to his furious typing. "You didn't answer my question." John frowns. Sherlock turns and looks at him for a moment confused. "Oh. Mycroft is being difficult." He turns back to his laptop. "When isn't he?" John chuckles pouring hot water into his coffee and taking his mug to sit in his chair. "Oh and John, Lestrade's got a case for us. Be ready to leave by ten." Sherlock informs John over his shoulder. John smiles to himself. Sherlock is acting like himself again and John's glad. He was beginning to grow annoyed at the depression Sherlock had fallen into. "Good." John says with a slight smile, sipping at his hot beverage.

Sorry it's so short, the coming chapters will be longer I promise :)

If your reading this thank you so much and please tell me what you think. I've got big things planned for this fic *grins evilly and rubs hands together* but I promise it won't be anything too heartbreaking *big cheesy grin with two thumbs up*

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