Chapeter 2

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Your POV
It was completely dark I couldn't see anything all I heard was someone calling my name the voice sounded so familiar I just couldn't remember who's voice it was. My whole body felt like it's was on fire. My mom my dad are they okay I wonder if this Is a dream. Is there a light switch or something it's so dark. I hear more people. What's going on out there. Why can't I remember a single thing..?

Yuji POV
I had a feeling something was wrong with y/n so I ask gojo  sensei if I could go to y/n's home he's said it was fine I went with nobara and Megumi when we got there we could just feel the curse Energy so we all ran in the house I found y/n on the ground knocked out and her mom and dad dead. It was like there life was squeezed out of them there was so much blood coming from her parents but her nothing. She wasn't harmed no scratches nothing. I tired to wake y/n but they wouldn't wake up so we called gojo

No ones POV
When gojo got there it was still a mess. Yuji finally was able to wake y/n up but they didn't stay up for long they past right back out after they answered a few questions. Y/n couldn't remember a thing which was weird because she was there the whole time. Yuji picked them up bridal style and carried them out the house. Y/n was exhausted. Yuji where are we going I just wanna lay in my bed and sleep. Gojo then said you can't go back there we need to know what happened your the only one alive. Nobara said don't worry about until after you rested up. He took you to his room and set you gently on the bed. You had fell asleep on the way there.  Yuji then left he didn't mind sleeping in Megumi's room.  That night you had a dream about what happened you saw your mother die three watched you dad die right after. Both there blood splatter on your face. You heard the cries of your father and your mothers screams. You couldn't do anything but watch the thing kill them and try to kill you. Then just a powerful ball of cursed energy kills all the curses around you. You woke up and shot up crying screaming. Since Megumi room was next to you and Yuji was there. They both heard you scream. Yuji raced to your side trying to reassure you that you were okay and everything will be okay. You then fell back to sleep in Yuji's arms. You didn't want him to leave you felt safe with him so he stayed with you for the rest of the night.

The next morning                                       
You woke with a bright light shining in your face.  You could also feel a body right beside you. You realize that it was Yuji. You then sat up and then suddenly the door bursted open. You were shocked. Yuji jumped scared. You both then saw a tall guy with white hair wearing a blindfold walk in the room and behind him was a girl she had short hair it was brown and long skirt on too. She got you up and said to change into this. You asked we're your parents were but they both got quiet even Yuji didn't say anything from there you knew that everything that happened that night wasn't a dream and really happened.

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