Avery x Reader | Royal Situation

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i made bede and avery in minecraft >:3
Gender: Female
Word Count: 1310
Type: Angst/Fluff
Requested by: ayunoko

There was three kingdoms like no other that was neighboring one and another. That is, The Crown Tundra, The Isle of Armor, and the infamous Galar.

But today's story isn't focusing on the larger scaled kingdom, no, we're traveling to the Isle of Armor, where it's rulers, King Mustard and Queen Honey have both stepped down and are handing the throne to their trusted knight, Avery.

Avery didn't have the best home life growing up, so the King and Queen took him in as their own. Right then and there, was when the man had his mind set up on having a biological child of his own and to never abandon it like his did.

Now however, he was looking up at his adoptive parents, smirking, knowing his brother didn't want to rule and so he would have the isle under his control.

"Avery, dear, it's time." Queen Honey said as she placed her crown in a case for his future bride.

Mustard walked from his throne, placed his crown atop of his golden locks, then gave him a huge hug.

"As a king, I'm very sad to leave my kingdom, but as a father, I'm extremely proud of you right now!" He said, tightening the grip of his hug around his son.

"Thank you Father, but now, I shall rule this kingdom with great honor, and a bride at my side.....once I find one....."

And yes, he did indeed find a bride, Ms (Y/n), a very high political leader in the NorthEastern region of the world, known throughout Kalos and Galar with it's two kingdoms beside it. She was known by many Kings and Queens from meetings and such. Everyone knew of her, and her attractiveness.

Avery fell in love with her the moment they both made eye contact, even if it did take a while for (Y/n) to realize she returned that mutual feeling.

Their marriage was going splendidly until one day, Avery brought up the topic of having offspring to be an heir to the throne.

"(Y/n), my queen of the Isle, please bear my future child, to one day take the throne!"

"A-Avery....", (Y/n) said, glancing away,"I-I, ummmm...."

"Are you trying to say you don't want children? (Y/n), I do hope you realize that's what women are here for. To have and raise children, that's all."

(Avery, sit down with that sexist stuff, this isn't Ancient times any more-!

wait a moment


"I-I'm sorry Avery, there will be an heir to the throne, j-just not in that way..."

Before Avery could spit out another comment, (Y/n) quickly walked away, out of sight.

Avery was beyond livid. His ultimate dream was to treat his biological child with all of the kindness that he actually had instead of sarcasm.


(Y/n) quickly walked out of the throne room, and into a secret corridor, out of sight.

"M-Mum? W-What did he say...?" A timid boy said, stepping into the dull candle light that
(Y/n) just lit.

"Ah, George, well, I haven't told him yet about you. He was talking about having children, in the impossible way." (Y/n) explained, kissing her adoptive son's forehead.

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