Chapter 56

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Spaced out
Quinn's pov

My heart stopped......I clasped my hand over my mouth. I could feel my eyes tears up. I was in shock. My body finally reacted to what was in front of me. I started running towards him. I kneeled to the ground next to him. Tears ran down my face as he laid there, covered in cuts, blood and glass stuck in his skin. Holy shit okay I'm trying not to panic but it's really hard seeing him like this killed me. I start shaking as I reach for the phone, it was smashed but looked like it still sort of worked. I gently press on the dial button hoping the shattered phone won't fail me now. I heard a faint calling sound. YES ITS RINGING! I held the phone up to my ear trying to calm down. "Hello 911" I heard a faint voice say across the phone. "There's been a really bad car crash and I need an ambulance!" I say with a shaky voice. I proceeded to tell her the details. Suddenly I heard a loud noise. Oh shit. I gently drag the body and myself away from the car. Suddenly the car explode up in flames. The blast caused me to trip. I was slammed against the ground. My head hit off the ground and I used my arm to shield myself from the pieces of the car over falling everywhere. After a moment I pulled my hand to my head. The pain was unbearable. It felt like the world was spinning. Eventually I calmed myself down to think about more important things. I realized I didn't have the phone anymore. My eyes wondered around when they landed on the phone. It had dropped to the ground. The voice was gone. The phone smashed. I gently tried pull myself up. I felt this horrible stinging in my arm. It had some glass pieces that looked deep into my skin as blood poured out. I tried to ignore the pain but I let out a load cry. Hopefully the ambulances are on the way fast. I pulled myself together and dragged myself over to him. "Okay come on stay with me here! Can you hear me!? Please say or move something if you can please!" I sobbed as I tried to check for his pulse. He's still alive thankfully. "It's okay everything is gonna be okay" I reassure myself looking at him. I looked down at my arm to see blood still pouring out. I ripped a piece of fabric off my dress and gently wiped the blood falling down my arm. I let out a sharp gasp as I hit off a piece of glass. I looked back over at him to make sure everything was okay. I sighed. He looked so lifeless. After what felt like forever I heard the sirens. Finally. The ambulances stoped as paramedics surrounded us. Not too long after the fire fighters arrived soon after. He was being lifted into an ambulance as was I. Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by a paramedic. She started asking me a few questions about what had happened and my injuries but my mind was focused on Luke only.

We got to the hospital. People were running all over the place. I couldn't really understand what they were saying. I did hear the word "operation" which gave me goosebumps. My head still felt like it was spinning. It felt like a nightmare. Pretended what just happened didn't actually happen. I stumbled over to reception to ask for a phone. "Should you be sitting down miss?" the receptionist questioned. "I just need to call my brother please" I dialed Carson's number and waited for an answer. "Go home get my phone then come to the hospital asap" I hung up. I wasn't in the mood of being asked more questions. I've had enough doctors asking me about what had happened. I sat in a bed in the ER. A few doctors came to removed the glass. They didn't want to put me under any anesthesia because apparently I have a concussion as well. The started to slowly pull the glass out. I hurt like hell. I kept telling myself the biggest pain I was feeling was guilt.

After a half hour Carson came rushing into the ER. My eyes met his as he ran over to me along with Blair and Wyatt. "Is everything okay what's happening we saw Luke car crashed outside the house!?!" Carson yelled. I was just numb. "He got in an accident" I said numbly. "He's being operated on as we speak, they also called your parents" I looked over at Wyatt who looked a mess. Carson walked over to the doctor to ask him questions about me. My eyes were still puffy because of crying. The pain of Luke and the glass oh and my concussion. Today just really sucked.

After a couple hours a doctor walked over to us. "Are his parents here yet?. "No but I'm his brother" Wyatt stood up. The doctor wouldn't tell us anything till their parents got here. "Are you okay?" Blair looked at me. "I'm just scared" I stared at the ceiling. "Me too" I heard her say.

I felt horrible. I was afraid. What if he died!? That's another person who would have died mad at me! Another person who I loved! Dead! Everyone around me just keeps dying! My parents. Dead. From a car crash. I was terrified. I couldn't lose any more people. Wyatt couldn't lose his twin. Carson couldn't lose his best friend. I couldn't lose the love of my life.

After a few hours their parents finally show up. They claimed they went on a trip to Texas. The doctor rushed over to them. Wyatt ran over. All I could hear was mumbling. A few moments later Wyatt came back over. "He has a lot of stuff wrong with him I'm not sure what exactly but he's in a coma" my heart shattered. Coma!? I could see his mother cry and his father trying to comfort her. It made me mad. I know it's their child but they're never here they're always away. Luke has cried over them so many times. He's been put in pain so many times because of them. Because they weren't ever bothered to stay more than a week. Here they are crying over him. I guess you could call it karma. Regretting all those 'trips' now?

The doctor finally let me into his room. He laid there lifeless. He had cuts and bruises everywhere. They think we went through the front window of the car as that would explain many of the cuts and glass. It make me sick thinking about it. I noticed tubes coming out of everywhere. It made me shiver. I sat down in the chair next to the bed and grabbed his hand. They were cold. I stared at him for a while before clearing my throat. "I don't know if you can hear me but I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of those horrible things I said to you. I was just really mad at you but I've been thinking about it for a while and I just wanna say that you've change from that person you used to be. I've seen the real you. The guy I fell in love with......." I took a few breaths. I stared crying for the millionth time. "I love you" I chocked out. I let go of his hand and wiped my tears. A few moments later the door opened. I weakly smiled before leaving. To give his 'family' some time with him.

The doctor walked over to us. "As you know we're guess he went through the window of the car which would explain many of the problems but we ran a few test and he seemed to be under the influence of alcohol. A very strong one. We found a few pieces of glass stuck in your arm" he looked at me. "And around where the car crashed and it was a beer bottle. As he drank the whole thing we believe it blurred his vision and he crashed". he paused. "Due to this situation his drivers license will be suspended until further notice even though we definitely will not be driving for a long time" he smiled weakly and walked away. Their parents went out go get food. "I can't believe he would do that" Wyatt rested his head in his hands. Carson patted him on the back. "I know it not like him at all" Carson looked at me. "What happened before he left!?"..................

Authors note: I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Uhhh it was so hard to write I could find the right words but sorry it took sooooo long but I hope I was good for you guys!!!! Sorry for any typos! Byeeeee

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