Bonus scene #2

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3rd person pov:

It has been a little over a month since Ash joined the Avengers.

Steve offered that she trains for a few months before going into missions but since Ash was already a successful assassin, she convinced him to let her start right away.

Today she was called for a simple information-gathering mission. It was supposed to be quick and easy but since Ash was well.... Ash, things took a turn.

So Ash was currently trying to figure out how to drive the freakin tank she had stolen while the building behind her burned to the ground. She was also on a call with Tony through her comms.

"Your gonna want to go to the North more, that's where the jet is"

"Roger that metal man"

Ash turned the wheel to the left but the tank started beeping.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah... I think. Believe it or not, this is actually my first time driving a tank"

"Don't do anything stupid Ash, Steve would kill me"

"Yeah don't worry, I think I found the brake pedal"

Ash hit the pedal with her foot however instead of stopping, a loud noise was emitted from somewhere in the tank, the next thing Ash knew, there was a missile flying toward the bad guys that were following her.

The missile hit directly in front of them and they were all sent flying backward, screaming.

"Sorry" Ash called, but she doubted they heard her overall their screaming

Tony was very stressed out. He had heard some kind of explosion from the other end of the line and then Ash shout something.

"Everything good?" he asked hurriedly.

"Yeah, it turned out not to be the brake pedal."

"Oh good, I thought I heard something blow up"

"It did"

Tony was about to question further when Steve suddenly entered the room. Now Tony was really freaking out. Tony was supposed to guide Ash through the mission and make sure nothing bad happened to her.

"How's she doing?" Asked Steve and Tony swallowed.

"She's fine, kid's a natural" He answered as calmly as possible.


Steve hurried forward and grabbed a comm.

"Ash? Ash are you okay?!"

"Steve?" Ash was pretty surprised to hear his voice since it was only supposed to be Tony helping her.

"Ash, what's going on?"

"Everything's beeping, I can't find the freakin brakes"

"The brakes? For what?"

"I stole a tank"


Ash sighed, it wasn't as bad as Steve thought, although it was probably worse. She was saved from the trouble of having to respond to Steve when Tony started talking.

"There should be a flashing button, it's an emergency brake"

"All. The buttons. Are flashing!"

Ash pressed a random red one that was nearby. She soon realized her mistake when the screen started flashing "self destruct"

"Oh, God..."

Ash ignored the two on the other end of the line who were asking her if everything was okay, she lifted the top hatch and jumped outright as the whole thing exploded.

"Ash?! What happened?!" Tony and Steve had heard a big explosion.

"I'm okay". Steve sighed in relief until she continued. "I blew up the tank... oops"

"Are you hurt?" asked Tony.

"Nah, I think I'll just run next time...instead of using a tank"

"Yeah, good idea" Agreed Steve.

"I'll be back soon"

Steve sighed as her comm turned off.

Having Ash on the team was going to be... interesting to say the least. 

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