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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash woke up very suddenly. Her eyes flew open but she stayed still for a moment. Her vision was blurry so she blinked a few times. Ash suddenly remembered what happened. She started to panic slightly and took in her surroundings. She was laying on what looked like a hospital bed. The room she was in was empty but there was a mirror on the far side of the room that Ash could tell was double sided. Her head was pounding and her side was stinging slightly but she could tell that the stab wound was mostly healed. Ash tried to remember the details of what happened after she hit the water but everything was a bit fuzzy.

"Welcome back to the land of the living"

Ash spun her head to the door a little too fast and her vision became blurry again. She tried to reach her arm up to her head but something stopped her. She looked down and realised that her hands were quite literally chained to the bed.

"Don't mind those, just a precaution"

Ash looked up, more slowly this time only to see Bruce Banner standing next to the door holding a cup of water. He walked over and unchained one of the chains. He handed her the glass, she looked at it warely.

"I'm guessing you're thirsty," He said with a small smile.

In all honesty, Ash was extremely thirsty. Her throat was very dry and she knew that if she tried to talk at the moment it would sound very odd. Instead she took a sip of the water and swallowed. Bruce watched her as she finished the cup. When she was done, he took the cup and chained her arm again. Ash didn't try to fight it. She still felt a little out of it and she knew if she had to fight the freakin hulk right now, things weren't going to end well for her.

Ash looked down at her arms and noticed the different tubes and wires that were connected to her. There was a heart beat monitor connected to one of the wires behind her. There was also an IV in her arm. Ash didn't know exactly why they were there but she didn't think she needed them at the moment. Ash tried to reach out her left arm to take the IV out of her right arm but the chains made it impossible.

"You shouldn't do that" Ash looked toward the door to find Steve standing there observing her. She didn't hear him come in but her head was still spinning slightly.

"They're only there to help," He added. Ash just looked at him for a moment before turning her attention back to the chains around her wrists. She tugged and pulled at them but they wouldn't budge.

"Those are just a precaution" Said Steve who had been watching her struggle with the chains.

"So i've heard" Ash said sarcastically.

"Thank you for saving me." This caught Ash completely off guard and her eyes flicked right over to meet Steve's. She looked at his face but didn't see any sign that this was some kind of trick.

"Being blown up in a helicopter seemed a little anticlimactic for Captain America" Ash said finally and Steve chuckled.

"And after that, when you pushed me toward the ocean. I would've never thought of that on my own and then I would probably be dead right now."

Ash didn't know where this was coming from. She killed his friend. She killed two people right in front of his eyes. Why was she even still alive? If somebody had killed her friend right in front of her eyes on their wedding day, she would show no mercy. Steve however just stood there, smiling at her.

"I also killed your friend" Ash watched as Steve tensed slightly at her words.

"I'm sure there's an explanation. And I'll make a decision on what happens to you after I hear it."

Ash studied him for a moment. This didn't seem to be some kind of trick so she figured she might as well tell the truth.

"Sorry to be the one to tell you this but your friend was part of Hydra. His father, Marcos, was the leader of Hydra. And now they are dead. Your welcome"

Steve just stared at her for a few moments. He seemed to be thinking very hard about something but Ash wasn't sure what.

"How can you be sure?" He asked her and Ash scoffed.

"I have my ways," Ash said simply. Now that she thought about it, she didn't know what happened to the rest of her team. Hopefully they got away but Ash couldn't be sure. Steve seemed to know what she was thinking

"Those people fighting with you at the ceremony?" He asked and she nodded slightly.

"Where are they?" She asked

"They got away, apparently once they realised you were gone they ran."

Ash was relieved to hear those words. It had been part of their plan, if one of them got taken then the others had to leave.

"Marcos was the main leader of Hydra. His son, Tyler, was working with SHIELD undercover as an agent to gather intel for his father" Ash explained.

"So you decided to marry him?" Steve asked.

"His father doesn't come out of hiding, at all. In the traditional Hydra wedding, Marcos was supposed to give his son the name of leader, which is why he showed up at all. I didn't let it get that far."

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"You don't." Ash didn't really know what to do now. She couldn't really go anywhere and Steve was looking at her suspiciously. Ash cleared her throat and Steve seemed to be pulled out of his thoughts. Steve gave her one last look before leaving the room. 

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