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sorry in advance pt. 2 

Steve's pov:

 "Go" She mouthed at him.

Steve hesitated, he didn't want to leave her, especially after-

But the way Ashlyn was looking at him, she had this anger in her eyes, it made Steve's spine tingle. She was going to kill them for what they did. He nodded at her. Steve didn't look back as he made his way out of the room, fighting off agents that got in his way. However, most of the agents had started running toward Ashlyn. Steve ran down the hallway of the base. He turned into a room labeled 'danger'.

Steve knocked out the guard behind the door and looked around. Nat, Tony, Clint, Sam, Bucky, Pietro, and Wanda were all being held in separate cells. Wanda had a shock collar around her neck and Pietro had chains on his feet. Bruce and Peter weren't there because Bruce was in a different country at the time of the kidnapping and Peter was staying with his aunt, so they were safe.

Steve took the keys from the pocket of the guard and rushed forward.

"Come on, there's a quinjet outside the base," Steve said as he ripped the chains off of Pietro's feet.

"What about the Hydra agents?" Asked Clint.

"Ashlyn is... handling it," Steve said, unsure how to explain what had happened.

"Ashlyn?! Why the hell is she here?" Asked Tony

"Fury made a deal- I'll explain later, for now, we gotta move."


Steve ran back down the hallways of the base, he was determined to get back to the room and help Ashlyn. Steve turned into the large room again, and his heart broke at the sight in front of him. There were dead Hydra agents scattered everywhere. Different body parts were also decorating the floor. In the middle of all the chaos was Ashlyn. She was sitting in the center of the room with Jackson's head in her lap.

Ashlyn's suit was ripped at the sleeve and there was a deep cut going from her shoulder to her elbow. There was blood dripping from her forehead and left ear. Steve could see multiple small stab wounds littered across her body as well as what looked like a few bullet wounds. But Ashlyn didn't seem to notice or even care. There was blood covering her hands and arms and Steve wasn't sure whether it was from her wounds, the dead agents, or from Jackson.

Steve carefully took a step over the body of a dead agent. Ashlyn seemed to hear him because she looked up. Steve's heart broke even more. Her eyes were red but she wasn't crying. She looked absolutely exhausted and Steve couldn't blame her. He wanted to say something,

 to make everything better...

But Steve wasn't so naive. What was done, was done, and there was nothing either of them could do about it. Ashlyn's gaze went back down to Jackson and so did Steve's. He hadn't known Jackson very long, but while they were creating their plan to get the team back, Jack would make jokes to lighten the mood and Steve appreciated that. He couldn't even imagine what Ash was going through right now. No less than twenty-four hours ago, she had found out her mother was dead, and now this-

Steve carefully lifted Jackson's body into his arms. Ashlyn didn't object, she didn't move. She stayed sitting on the floor with her head down.

"It's time to go," Steve said quietly. He turned back to his teammates who were watching Ashlyn with mixed expressions. None of them knew who Jackson was and none of them knew what had happened. Ashlyn stood up silently and walked past him. She walked past the other Avengers without saying a word and continued down the hall toward the exit of the base. Her wounds didn't seem to bother her in the slightest. The Avengers all looked at Steve for some kind of explanation.

"I'll explain later." He said and he shifted his arms so he could carry Jackson's body bridal style. The Avengers all looked at each other and then followed Ashlyn out towards the jet. 

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