chapter 7

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Narrator POV

As soon  as ivonnica got home from the hospital, she went straight to her room.She knw the whole house was asleep when she steps into the darkness. After completing the transformation papers she told her in-laws that's she is gonna head home and get the spare rooms prepared for all of them.Her mother in-law took matters in her own hands and called all 4 of her sons and their wife's and kids to come and live in her house to make Romanov feel more loved and at ease.What the women's problem is ivonnica doesn't know.Sometimes she feels so left out and unwanted because Romanov's family members hasn't excepted her as their own yet.They are so fake to her when her husband is near.

She went to the servant courtes and ask if thy are willing to help her out with getting things ready for tomorrow and like always they never disappoint.After hours of working thy finally got time to sleep.
At 4 in the morning ivonnica shot up with banging on door.As she follows the noise she notice its her in-laws and her husband. Romanov was walking in the house with his brother Romeo helping him .

When she saw her husband she burts with joy and excitement because she knows that she married a fighter who was her king and she his queen .With instinct she goes near to help him out when his eldest brother Pablo Antoni Tarantino stop her with his hand.He gave her a looked that said "(leave him)let him do this on his own ".
Just as she stops him she saw her husband looking at her and than back to his second eldest brother Diego Marion tarantino .

As she glances at him he whispers something to his twin brother Romeo who leaves his side immediately and asking his other brothers to leave the living  room .In less than20 seconds she and her husband were alone .They glances at each other before he makes the first move and kisses her lips.It was like fire when his lips touches hers and they forgot about everything and everyone.


Short chapter I knw I've been very hangup on work sorry

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