Moving in? Maybe

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A/N omg I got 100 reads. This is insane I made this story because I was bored but this is awesome. And also remember, I am busy so if you like this story but want to read more like this, read vixenleap story called the run because it already has lots of chapters and is very similar to this one with less angst. Also my thoughts and ideas on this story are about as organized as my room. And I'm a quarantined ADHD anxiety kid with divorced parents. Now make an assumption about what my room looks like. That's how clean my room is. So I have no fucking idea if Dream is in wolf form or human form. So let's say he is in human form. Oh and George is in human form to.

⚠️Trigger warning ⚠️

POV Dream
"Shit" I mutter. How am I going to get him? I rack my brain for possible solutions but come up empty handed.

This should be considered cheating! I can't even get to him no matter wha- wait. Is it considered cheating?

I try to remember the exact rules for The Run, thinking hard about if there was a rule about places that alphas couldn't get to. Yes! I remember!

The rule is that omegas can not his or stay in places that alphas are unable to get to by any means.

I smile, walking towards the entrance of the cave. I call out to George, "Hey George? If you want to make it out of this Run unclaimed, I strongly recommend that you get the FUCK out of that cave." I growl.

POV George
I hear him say my name, then he says, "Hey George? If you want to make it out of this Run unclaimed I strongly recommend that you get the FUCK out of that cave."

I start to shake even worse. I call out in a weak voice, "What do you mean? You can't get to me. You won't be able to mark me anyway."

I wait for a response and I hear him take a deep breath.

"Guess what Georgie." He says. I can practically hear the smirk on his face. "What?" I respond shakily.

"The rules for The Run state that an omega can not hide in a location that an alpha can't get to. If they do, helpers for The Run will be forced to take action and drag you out of there." He purrs quietly.

At hearing those words my heart starts beating even faster in my chest, and I hear him speak again.

"My offer still stands Georgie. I have the supplies, just let me make a fake mark on you and you can get out of this godforsaken forest.

You can come home, live with me."

He probably only wants you to live with him so that he can hurt you just like your dad. His own personal punching bag, one that is weak and helpless. He probably knew that no one else would want you so he was doing the world a favor by getting rid of you so some poor, unsuspecting alpha didn't get stuck with you.

"Ok." I say in defeat, tears streaming out of my eyes.

Maybe he won't hit me as often as my dad did, but he certainly will hit way harder.

I mentally recoil at the thought of his hits. They are going to be so much worse than dads.

But you deserve it. I sigh, knowing that the voice is right once again. "I'm coming out." I call quietly. I slowly crawl out of the cave.

Run of dreams and nightmares (dnf)Where stories live. Discover now