The Run

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AN- Hey guys, I decided to skip ahead to the morning of the run because I have no motivation to write three more boring pointless school days. I considered adding some bullying in school, but I decided with George's dad, his ankle, and depression and anxiety, he had enough on his plate lol. Drink water- Peace.
⚠️ trigger warning ⚠️

POV George
I heard my alarm go off. Unlike most mornings, I leapt out of bed, forgetting about my ankle, landing on both feet, sending a white hot knife of pain through my injured ankle. "Fuck" I whisper scream. Considering that it was 5:30 am, I couldn't exactly scream normally. Why did I wake up so fast you might ask? Well, today is the day. The day I have dreaded for months. Today is the day of The Run. The Run starts at dawn, so I need to get up extra early. I put on a blue knockoff supreme shirt, grey sweatpants, and a black hoodie. I get out some medical tape and tape up my ankle again. I super mega regret rushing home. That small mistake might have screwed my chances at completing this years run. No, scratch that, it definitely screwed my chances. Whatever, I can't change the past. I walk out the door around 5:50 am, heading for the center of town. After almost 20 minutes of walking, I make it there. I keep my head down, trying not to attract attention, but I realize that I have no control over that. I literally completed The Run two years in a row, everybody is looking at me, whether I try to get their attention or not. I can feel all the eyes on me, but then I feel something different- a piercing gaze burning holes into my back. I glance behind me and see no other that the leader of the alphas staring directly at me. I stop dead in my tracks. I should hate him. He is the leader of the class that makes my life hell, that makes me unable to pursue my dreams, that makes me feel worthless. But at the same time, I gotta admit, he's hot. His mid length dirty blonde hair, his piercing emerald green eyes, his chiseled cheekbon- wait what? What am I doing! He is the enemy! No, he is the leader of the enemy! I snap out of my trance, glare at him, turn around and head on my way.

POV Clay/Dream
I stare intensely at George, until he apparently senses that I am staring. He turns around and we make eye contact. He just stops walking, in the middle of the street. He appears to be studying me. After a few seconds of this, he apparently snaps out of whatever trance he was in, glares at me, then turn around and keeps walking. I smirk, looking over at nick. He is smirking as well. He saw the interaction between me and the brown haired male. And he can guess exactly what I'm thinking. "Good luck with that one. He has completed The Run two years in a row." Nick says with that same smirk on his face. "Yah, but look at him. He is limping. If he is injured, he will be easier prey." I respond. Oh, did I mention that Me and all my friends are gay? It doesn't matter though, because male omegas can bear pups as well. I  turn to face nick and he shruggs. "You can go after whoever you want, I have my eyes on that one." He says, pointing to a short brunette boy who must be new because I've never seen him before."I think his name is Karl." I muse. I glance over at Skeppy, who has been oddly quiet. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Oh nothing. I's must thinking about who I want to go for. I'm thinking that I want him." Skeppy says, pointing to a guy leaning on a tree. He is not short, but not tall either, and has black hair with a red stripe through it. "I don't know who that is, I have never seen his before." I tell Skeppy. "I like him. He's cute." Skeppy responded. I laugh, then turn my attention back to the street, looking for George. After a few moments of searching, I find him once again. Then I notice something that I didn't notice before. The wind has blown down the hood of his black hoodie and I look closer at the back of his head, squinting to try and see what it is. Then, my heart goes to my stomach and a sickening feeling comes over me. It's blood. My heart starts beating faster, my mind racing. How did that happen? Who did that to George? There is no way he managed to do that on his own, someone else did that to him. My blood boils, rage filling me at whoever did that to my future mate. "Hey man, you good?" Sapnap asks, tapping my shoulder. I wip around to face him. "Woah dude, calm down." He says, taken aback by the pure fury that clouds my eyes. "What happened?" He asks hesitantly. "Something happened to George." I say. "Something bad. Someone hurt him." "What do you mean?" He says. "Look at the back of his head. Blood. And lots of it. Someone hit him in the back of the head, because no one could do that themselves." I say, seething with rage. "Holy shit" sapnap says. "Who do you think did that to him?" "I don't know. But I'm going to find out. And it won't be pretty."

946 words

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