Months of pregnancy

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No POV :

It's been one months since Izuku last told his dad he is pregnant. He is about 1 months and two weeks pregnant. In this chapter I will be showing you Izuku adventures of Izuku 1 to 7 months pregnant.

2 months :

Deku has become a lot more moody and very clingy with katsuki. Katsuki doesn't care because he loves it even when they are at school, they are always together with bakugou goons. ( In this series everyone is nice to deku because he is like the healer angel no one is ever hurt because of him and they don't care deku is pregnant or he is with bakugou) There was this one time in lunch when deku really just wanted Ice cream and fries and cried about it to katsuki. So katsuki being the best boyfriend he ran to the quickest store and bought some ice cream and fries and ran back to the lunch room out of breath and gave deku his food while sitting next to him deku smiled and hugged bakugou while kissing his cheek while taking his fries and dumping it with his ice cream bakugou looked at him weirdly and said "pregnant people have so weird cravings".

3 mounth :

School was ending in a couple of months so UA woul start soon deku dropped out because one he was pregant two he had to learn how to be the new recovery girl for the heroes starting with UA. Katsuki was upset by this because he would not be able to see deku and his baby. But knew deku really wanted this so he let him. Bakugo whenever he and deku would have free time he would cuddle with deku and touch his baby bump.

8 months :

It was the start of deku 8 months pregancy so deku was barely walking and only in the nurses office with recovery girl. It was know time for the UA entrance exams and deku knew bakugo would make it but gave him a sweet kiss on the cheek for good luck. When bakugo passed deku cheered jumping up and down slightly. They had a fun diner date to celebrate. 

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