Part 10

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Twiggys Pov:

I Just woke up, I look over at my alarm clock...fuck, if I don't hurry up now I'll miss the bus...


I walk down the stairs into the living room to eat something.
As I look at the table I see an envelope.
It's probably only for my parents, I Pick it up anyways, I'm really suprised, because my name is writen on it.
I normaly only get once a year a Letter from my grandparents with birthday whishes.

I quickly Open the envelope, I omitted the folded piece of paper that is inside.

it is a pretty short letter so I'll read the Letter instead of eating something, I am not hungry anylways, I start reading:
"Dear Jeordie,
We've only known each other since yesterday, but it feels like I've known you all my life.
Everything you've told me about yourself sounded so unreal that I can't believe that someone as perfect as you existed
You look gorgeous in your dress like a doll.
And your eyes sparkle like diamonds...
With Love Brian."

Wow, I can't believe it, he must really love me, as he wrote we know each other only two days but it feels like we know each other since ever!!!
The way he describes me "Like a Doll" I can't believe it, I can't feel anything from the hate I have against me normaly, I feel Like an new person...Brian must be my guardian angel or something like that...

I can't wait to see him in the bus...I take a look at the clock over the TV, it's time to go the bus will be here to pick me up in some minutes.


The bus stops, it's Brians busstop so...I am really excited, I hope nobody notices that...I promised I'll act as straight as I can...I'll talk with him about that when we are alone...

Brian sits down next to me...I smile at him, he softly smiles back at me, oh I love his smile, I hope he would smile more...

I take His hand...and whisper into his ear..."Thank you so much for the Letter. It's the best letter I've ever gotten...and the best one I'll ever get"

He responses with: "I'm so happy you like it, everything I wrote is 100% true, my Doll!"


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