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Chapter 18


Crookshanks had finally done it.

Sirius knew that the cat didn't particularly like Peter either, or as he was currently known in his rat form to the children, Scabbers, but he didn't expect him to just go at him. He was one proud dog. Granted, Sirius had asked Crookshanks to bring him Peter, but sadly, the mission had failed. He'd escaped, and according to Crookshanks, in the same way, that he had escaped from Sirius all those years ago.

He'd faked his own bloody death. Apparently, he'd bit himself, because there was blood staining the sheets of his owner, Ron Weasley's, bed, and Crookshanks confirmed that it belonged to Peter. So the rat had escaped again. It was a setback, Sirius had particularly been hoping that he would finally be able to capture and turn him in so that justice could finally be served. But it was no matter. He would find him once more, he would turn him in, he would get back the life that had been stolen from him.

Now he just needed to find out how.

Crookshanks, while having played a large part was also a little distant, coming to the Shack less often. From what Sirius knew, his owner was mad at Peter's owner because he had accused her of being responsible for Crookshanks attacking his rat. And they'd been friends too. Sirius was kind of guilty about the dilemma but knew that if things went according to plan, their friendship could possibly be restored once everyone knew what Peter was.

Though he'd never tell the cat this, he thought it was kind of ridiculous that they'd gotten into such a fight over a rat. Let alone one like Peter. But he supposed that Peter's tendency of being fat and lazy had made him a good pet in a way. At least they never had to worry about him escaping, until now.

In the meantime, while attempting to find another way to trap Peter for good, Sirius had been pleased to hear that Harry had received his broom, though Crookshanks had also informed him that it had been confiscated by a woman with her greying hair in a bun and wearing emerald green robes with a matching hat, and of course, a stern expression. Minerva McGonagall, or as Sirius would always know her as, Minnie.

He wasn't too worried though, Minnie would never confiscate a Firebolt, especially not from the Gryffindor team, and not give it back. He was a bit concerned that this latest event had further driven Harry's trio of friends apart, and was wondering how his godson was coping with it. He'd had his fair share of squabbles but there was always someone in the marauders that would be there for him.

However, as much as he sympathized with his godson, there wasn't time to worry. Peter had escaped, and this time, being a pet of one of Harry's friends, he could have gotten a lot of information on the boy that he could pass on to his master. Of course, that was assuming Voldy was alive, which Sirius dearly hoped not, but he'd already learned the hard way that taking risks in certain situations wasn't a wise idea. He had to catch him, not just for justice anymore but for Harry's own safety.

But how would he catch him? He'd escaped, and now he was completely untraceable. He couldn't believe it when he saw the rat after all these years in King's Cross Station. But now he was right back where he started, and he was sure that Molly Weasley wouldn't always be there to give away Peter's whereabouts.

It wouldn't do anything to run around madly searching for him. He'd evaded Sirius for 12 years, and the only reason he found him again was because of a newspaper article. Now there was no chance that would happen again unless some random nature photographer accidentally got him in the background, but how Sirius would come across the photo was a mystery to him. No, if there was anything Peter was good at it was hiding, meaning that Sirius would have to make him come out of doing so.

After all, the best way to catch a rat was to lure it towards a trap. Now, all Sirius needed was some bait. And he knew just the person, or cat, for the job.

He'd determined that he needed the cat, but Crookshanks was nowhere to be found. The cat remained determinedly in the castle, and Sirius was left to wait for his arrival. He was done reminiscing over his childhood, but that seemed to be the only way to pass the time in the shack.

The only thing that he could do at this point was going to Hogsmeade, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Madam Rosmerta was as hospitable as ever, and he stopped by Honeydukes every once in a while but didn't take anything, still feeling slightly guilty about the packet of Jelly Slugs that he'd nicked the last time. He made a mental note to pay it off once his name was cleared.

Today he was about to leave on another Hogsmeade trip when Crookshanks came tearing into the shack.

About time. He couldn't keep the sarcasm out of his voice, but one look at the cat's panicked expression and he shut up.

It's important! Crookshanks yowled, his flanks heaving. My owner and her friends have gone!


He didn't wait for an answer. He was bounding to the trapdoor and racing down the tunnel like a shot, Crookshanks at his heels. Harry. And of course, his friends but Harry could be in danger. Maybe it was Peter's doing, or worse maybe an escaped death eater, or one that had avoided the fate that most of their ranks had endured. Or it could even be a misunderstanding, maybe the kids snuck off or were out and about in the castle, and Crookshanks was overreacting. But if there was danger, Sirius owed it to Harry and his friends to at least check it out.

They made it out of the tunnel in about half the time it would have normally taken, but Sirius wasn't going to waste any time. Crookshanks took the lead. She said something about going onto the grounds, someone named Hagrid?!

Hagrid's hut. Sirius overtook him and bolted in that direction. There he saw them, three, and instantly recognized Harry, even by just looking at his backside. His hair stuck up just like James's did back there. They seemed to be looking down on Hagrid's hut. Slowly, the two creatures slunk through the grass, barely making a sound. When they'd reached the shelter of a bush, Sirius could just make out what they were seeing, and it turned his blood cold.

Near Hagrid's hut, in his pumpkin patch, was the motionless body of a hippogriff. The magnificent beast was on its side, and walking away from it was a man in a black cloak, an ace glinting as it disappeared into the folds of the cloak once more. Following behind him were others, including Hagrid, how he'd missed him, and was that Dumbledore? He wondered what the hippogriff had done, but before he could do anything, the Weasley boy let out a yell. "Scabbers!"

There he was. Brown fur among the grass, scurrying away from his owner. Peter, the rat. He didn't think, he didn't need to. His primal instincts had kicked in, and it suddenly didn't matter whether or not he presented Peter to the wizarding world alive or dead. As he ran, his paws thrumming on the ground, one word rang in his mind. Kill.

He'd already witnessed a creature being destroyed, though he didn't know what for. Had the creature deserved it? He wasn't sure, but by the shock on the children's faces, and the fact that they were there in general, he had a feeling that it didn't. So they'd both been wrongly accused. However, this creature didn't have the chance to seek revenge on his accuser. Sirius did. There was going to be more than one death that night, but this one would be justified.

It was time he committed the murder that he was convicted for.

Okay, wow that was intense. So somehow this whole chapter was deleted (Gee thanks Wattpad, love you anyway). Fortunately, I had a backup draft, but I've drawn a blank on the title. I think this was the one I chose, I mean, it fits with the chapter, but I'm still not sure. If you like this one that's cool, but if you don't and know the other title, feel free to let me know. Hope you're enjoying this so far, and thank you so much for the support :D

- Max

A Little Risk ★𝒮𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓊𝓈 𝐵𝓁𝒶𝒸𝓀☆ |On Hold|Where stories live. Discover now