Chapter 6

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"Colby... am I your Dom?"

Colby started.  "No!" He answered immediately, "No, you're... no." And he vaguely recoiled to the other side of the car.

Oh... There was something like disappointment in Sam's stomach, a certain heaviness that demanded to know what the fuck he had even been thinking, not even sure why he felt that way because he didn't even really know what that meant... "Sorry..."

"No, I mean..." Colby pressed his face into his hands.  "Shit, Sam... I didn't..." He looked out the windshield.  "The light's green," He commented unnecessarily.

"I know," Sam responded, but pressed the gas anyway.  "So then... what are... what have..." He didn't know how to put his confusion into words.

Colby fidgeted, wincing again as Sam drove over a pothole in the road.  "We uh... shit, Sam, I didn't..." He seemed to be struggling with his words too.  "Why do you ask?" He decided on finally.

"Brennan...  Brennan made some comments..." Sam answered quietly.

"Of course he did," Colby muttered. 

He didn't continue, and Sam let the silence sit for a moment.  There was some sort of tension between them, but Sam wasn't going to break it.  He was gonna let Colby explain this one. 

Colby was silent for a long moment.  Sam kept casting looks at him, but Colby seemed determined to ignore him, watching the streetlights pass.  Sam drove in silence, really wishing he had plugged in his music before he started driving.  What felt like an unbearable eternity of silence later, Colby finally started talking.  "I uh... you being my Dom would uh..." He fidgeting with his fingers, "Not that it would be like... a bad thing but like... we would have had to have talked about it, and uh..." He finally looked at Sam, and there was some uncharacteristic vulnerability in his face. "Do you even like... know what that means?"

Sam chewed on the inside of his lip, trying hard not to over-analyze Colby's last sentence.  "Not uh... not really I guess.  I just know that you've been kinda... submissive to me all night, and like..."  And it was a really weird word to associate with Colby, a ball of independent energy.  But it was the only way to really explain the way Colby had been acting, this new side of his best friend he'd never seen before. 

Colby winced, eyes dropping from Sam's gaze.  "Sorry..."

"No, I mean, like, you're not..." Sam hadn't minded it.  If he was completely honest, he had kinda liked it.  It felt... natural.  Kind of an extension of their already existing dynamic.  Different but... good.  "It wasn't a bad thing." He summarized finally, agreeing with Colby's earlier statement.

"Oh..." The syllable was quiet, surprised, but not altogether displeased.

"So..." Sam started again, clarifying, "You said that like, Brennan's not your Dom, right?"

"Right," Colby confirmed.

"And neither is Aja?"

"Nope," Colby crossed his arms over his chest.

"So then... what would make someone your Dom?  Why are they just... your tops?  Is that the word?" Sam was trying desperately to understand what the difference was.  Had he just topped Colby then?

"So..." Colby looked to be struggling with his words.  "A top is really just someone who does the things in a scene.  So like, Brennan does the tying, and Aja does the hitting.  They both play with pieces of my uh... subby side?  Like in scene, but like, as soon as the scene is over, the power exchange stops," Colby glanced at Sam, "If I were in a D/s, uh, Dom/sub relationship... that power exchange wouldn't stop outside the scene.  It would be... more just how I interacted with them, uh... my Dom."

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