Chapter 1

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Sam turned his car off, staring at the house in the middle of the woods.  Anxiety made his heart race in his chest, because this felt like the start to so many of their old bando videos.  Except that this house wasn't abandoned.  The many cars parked in front, Christmas lights strung up around the front yard, and group of people smoking out front told him that. 

He was just... in the middle of nowhere.

Where the hell had Colby brought him?

"Brennan and I are going to a party tonight, you wanna come?"  Colby's voice was oddly reserved, a touch of nervousness in his voice that Sam didn't usually associate with Colby and inviting Sam to parties.  Usually it was Sam that had to be talked into going to whatever party Colby had found.  Nevertheless, here they were. 

"I've got plans with Kat tonight, dude," Sam shook his head apologetically, "Sorry."

"No, it's okay," The expression that fell over Colby's face confused Sam.  He seemed disappointed, but his shoulders also seemed to sag in relief.  "You have fun with Kat, dude.  Next time!"

"Yeah, next time for sure!"

And then Kat had something come up, and Sam found himself with nothing to do on a Saturday night.  So because he and Colby shared their locations with each other 24/7 (it had started during the XPLR times for safety reasons and they had never found a reason to disable it) Sam had tracked Colby's location after neither he nor Brennan picked up their phones.  Now, as he sat in the driveway of this house in the middle of nowhere... he wondered if he had made the wrong call. 

"Come on, it'll be fine, I'm sure I'll recognize someone," Sam murmured to himself, rallying himself and pushing the car door open.

And for a moment, Sam could convince himself it would be like any other party he had been to, out in the middle of nowhere so that noise complaints wouldn't be a concern.  Until he got closer and he realized that something was different.  Most of the parties he and Colby went to in LA were people their own age, maybe early thirties.  Some of these people he was approaching had to be in their fifties and sixties.  They were also wearing... was this some sort of fetish gear themed party?  Two of the men wore leather vests and boots, the women in sexy dresses or lingerie.  He also saw collars wrapped around the throats of two of the women, and one of the men.

Where the fuck had Colby brought him?

He double checked his phone, seeing Colby's location still resolutely blinking from inside the house.  God, was Colby even here?  Was Brennan?

"New here?" One of the older gentlemen asked, taking a step towards Sam.  Sam didn't even realize he had frozen, staring at the group and his phone. 

"Uh..." Sam stuttered, "I'm uh... I'm looking for my friends."  He almost took a step back but reminded himself that that would be rude.  This guy wasn't going to hurt him. 


"My name's Jason," The man offered, stretching his hand out, a smile wrinkling his face.  He didn't seem like a threat.  Sam shook his hand, eyeing up the leather that decorated the man, "This is my wife, Flute." 

"Nice to meet you," The woman in the slim fitting black dress extended a hand as well.

"Uh..." Sam swallowed, "Sam.  I'm Sam." 

Sam was offered a few more hands and a few more names, but he'd already started to cast an eye at the house, looking for Colby's face in the wide window that lined the front of the house. 

"Who are you looking for?" One of the guys, one who had to be in his thirties asked.  Sam was pretty sure his name was Ryan.

"Uh... Colby?  And Brennan?"

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