Chapter 2

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If he ignored the dress code, the age gaps, and the occasional cries from someone getting beaten, Sam could really forget that he was at a BDSM play party. 

After letting Colby pull his clothes back on, Brennan had lead him and Sam back into the living room space.  He could hear rock music playing in the background, and the lights were low, colored lights and lamps doing most of the work to light the place.  It left a simultaneously homey and mysterious feeling in the air.

Sam decided he liked it.

The living room space was connected to the kitchen, and Colby let Brennan herd him in there, insisting that Colby needed to eat. 

"Seriously, Wolf, I'll tell Aja to not play with you later," Brennan threatened.

"You wouldn't," Colby shot back, but scooped himself a spoon of meatballs from the crockpot anyway. 

"If he doesn't eat, he doesn't get to play," Brennan whispered to Sam when Colby was out of earshot.


"Because the one time I didn't make sure he ate something he passed out on me," Brennen said, "Dumbass can't be doing the kind of rope we do and not have any goddamn food in him." 

"Gotcha," Sam nodded.  Make sure Colby eats before play, got it, he made a little mental note.  Luckily, Colby seemed to be happily tucking into the food so Sam didn't have to remind him. 

"Let's go sit down," Brennan gestured with his head and Sam and Colby followed.  Brennan guided Sam around the spanking bench where a new guy had taken up place.  "Nice wide margin around scenes if you can," Brennan explained, "The DMs'll pull you out of the way the first few times but after that it's your own fault if you get hit."

"DMs?" Sam asked, feeling his eyes get wide as he watched a woman repeatedly hit the guy on the bench with floggers.

"Dungeon Monitors, or, for the nerdy, Dungeon Masters," Brennan grinned.  "They've got the light up arm bands."  Sam nodded, seeing a few partygoers with the armbands.  Aja had one too, he just hadn't noticed it at the time.  "They're there to make sure everything is as safe as possible and no one's consent gets violated."

"Huh," Sam said, following Colby to a couch in front of a cross.  The cross sat against the far wall, while a wrap around couch lined the wall across from it.  Aja sat there, scooting over when she saw the guys approaching.  "Hey," She smiled at them.  "How are you two doing?"

"Doing okay," Brennan answered, popping down next to her, and gesturing for Sam to join him on the couch. 

Sam eyed the remaining room.  It was only just enough for him to slide in, with no room for Colby.  Colby, however, didn't seem to mind, grabbing a pillow from a pile on one side of the sofa and settling at Brennan and Aja's feet. 

"Uh, Col- Wolf, do you wanna..." Sam felt like he should at least offer the seat to Colby.

"Just sit down, Sam," Brennan pat the seat again.  "He's good where he is." 

"Uh... Okay..." Sam said, still not sure what was going on, but he sat down all the same.  He glanced at Colby, who was watching him carefully.  "You okay, dude?"

"Yeah," Colby answered instantly, but his eyes moved to Brennan, and Sam could see a little bit of anxious discomfort in his face.  "Uh... Taylor..."

"You wanna explain it or should I?" Brennan asked.

"Explain what?" Sam asked, looking between the two of them. 

"Uh..." Colby's cheeks had turned faintly pink, but he spoke anyway.  "So like... in real life, you know how you and I always have to be like... always so on, and like... on top of stuff?" Sam nodded, knowing exactly the feeling.  He knew it manifested as being a massive control freak for Sam, liking to have control of the few things that he could.  "So... when I'm here, with these people..." Colby smiled nervously, "I like to... not be like that.  I like it when... other people kinda... take charge of what's going on.  It's... its nice."

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