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After dinner that night the boys would come over everyday and hangout with me untill there parents had to drag them out of our manor at the end of the day.

Together we all created kinds of humorous mischief until one of our parent would chatch us and give a bone rattling a scolding.

The only exception was that I never got the worst end of it unless it was my parents. The rest of them loved me and would never yell at me.

Finally after moths of waiting we finally all got our letters of exceptianc into Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

The boys got their letters before me and as they did they all took the floo networks to my manor and interrupted my beauty sleep.

"HOPE!" They all yelled in together at once making sure everyone along the English country side knew my first name.

I took one of my pillows from the side of my bed and threw it into their direction. I most likely missed because they still kept yelling and because I smushed a pillow over my head to block out their annoying screams they decided resorting to jumping on my best was the best way to make me wake up happy.

"IF YOU ALL DONT GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!! IM GOING TO MURDER YOU ALL ONE BY ONE!!!" I screamed at the top of my lung trying to get them to leave me alone.

"No hope, we have a big surprise" Theo said with a whiny voice that didn't want to make me get out of bed anymore than before.

"Come on hope I promise it'll be worth it." Blaise said in a calmer voice then before. I decided that whatever it was they wanted to show me couldn't wait. They were always like this no matter what, impatient.

"Ok fine. But only because I want too." I said and turned my nose in the air. They all smiled at me and helped me out of bed.

"Hope why is it that when Blaise asked you to do something you do it but not when we ask?" Draco asked, not looking into my eyes as we walked down the hall.

Blaise and Theo were walking ahead of us so they didn't hear the comment of Dracos.

"I don't understand draco. What do you mean by that?" I said unsure of where this was coming from seeing as its never been a problem before.

"Well you seem to always favor blasie over Theo and I. But you mostly favor them over me and I don't know why." He said not in his usual upbeat voice and attitude he always had around me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to a stop.

"Blaise! Theo! You guys head down well be there in a minute" they looked back unaware of the conversation we were having in the back.

"Ok. Don't take to long! You know we're not the best at waiting." Theo said with a playful smile and continued walking down the hall.

Blaise stayed in his spot for a moment longer before leaving without another word.

"Draco, I don't understand where this is coming from. You're one of my favorite people in the whole world. I love you just as much as I love Blaise." I said keeping my hand on his for reassurance.

He looked down at our hands and then pulled me into a hug. "You mean so much to me please don't forget that" he said into my hair as we hugged.

"I wouldn't dream of it, draco." I said pulling out of the hug and bringing him down the hall to join with the rest of the group.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters. Only my own

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His Hope (Draco Malfoy x OC x Adrian Pucey)Where stories live. Discover now