Hope Avalon

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"Hope!" Yelled father from down the stairs. I was in my room reading the book mother had specifically picked for me like every Sunday since I could remember.

She picked a book for me to read. I would read it then next Saturday we would discuss how I felt about the book and what I thought the general message of the book was.

Mother said it always keeps me sharp. To read is too gain knowledge beyond others, because when we read we are placed in another world in which it is our own. It is the only place we are truly ever alone, yes we may have the characters but it is only us telling the story and seeing through the perspective of others with only our thoughts.

my mother was the one I admired most, she always made time for learning. To her it was important for me to become strong, independent, witty and most of all intelligent above all.

Some people around me might think that's far too excessive for a girl my age but when you come from my family you're born into it and live with it the rest of your life.

With that you can either choose to live and strive off of it or you can choose to run and cower. My friends uncle was a coward. He didn't seem to understand our way of living like the rest of us do and it's quite the shame.

Mother thought he had potential for the longest time but quickly came to realize she was for once in her life being foolish and childlike in her thinking.

Mother never let anyone see the fact she had slipped up because in our place in society you never show defeat or weakness. They could smell it from a mile away.

So that's why my mother taught me early to be the best I could ever be. Never letting anyone or anything come in between me and what I wanted.

Father on the other hand was more of a man of few words, a cold looking man from the outside but when you've lived with him your entire life you know how to sway him. He wasn't as cold as he wanted everyone too think, my mothers only weakness was always him.

He brought a different side of her out, they were in love. Considering the type of society they grew up in love was rare. Not seen often, but when found it was cherished or destroyed.

Father was a smart man of many talents and was important among many people. One thing my father was known for was his unmistakable charm, no one could deny it. Father was never shy about saying I was just like him in that way. But I was beautiful beyond comparison, no one could miss me.

I'm grateful for my parents in almost every way imaginable. Speaking of me I might as well introduce myself. My name is Hope Avalon. I'm 11 and I come from the most powerful family of pure bloods known to exist.

We are rich beyond compare and no one dares look down on us. My family and three others are the top tear families of the wizarding world.


Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters

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